How Patients, Family, and Population Problems Impact Quality of Care

Patient, family, and population involvement in the treatment plan is critical since it contributes to the decision-making process, assist in healthcare team provision, and enhances the quality of care and patient safety. Incorporating these three groups in determining the impact of care is critical since it informs how patient-centered care is identified and, therefore, increases the possibility of improved healthcare in the treatment plan. DiGioia and Shapiro (2018) show that by building patient, family, and population engagement, it becomes possible for the healthcare community to improve safety and quality of care and enhance financial performance and patient outcomes. Furthermore, when patient, family, and population problems are incorporated in patient-centered care, it is possible to develop a treatment plan that responds to the patient’s immediate needs.

Carpenito (2017) shows that successful implementation of a patient-centered approach results in meaningful patient engagement in their care with the potential to minimize costs. For example, Carpenito (2017) indicates that informed patients encounter up to 20 percent fewer costs in their treatment plan. Communication about patient, family, and population issues is critical in minimizing the number of unmet challenges. According to Carpenito (2017), asking patients about the results of their issues in a reduction of 80 percent of their unmet issues, which minimizes the associated costs of treatment by up to 20 percent. To the facility, patient, family, and population information impact the system’s cost by minimizing the number of readmissions and costs associated with tests and treatments towards administering the appropriate diagnosis. Therefore, when patient, family, and population issues are factored in, it becomes possible to personalize treatment options and costs based on the problems encountered by the individual, the family, and society.

When nurses consider patient, family, and population problems in developing a treatment plan, the established solution is impacted by informed choices, infection control initiatives, and safe medication use, among other aspects. All these aspects are responsible for and translate to developing a treatment plan that improves safety and quality of care (DiGioia and Shapiro, 2018). Engaging patient, family, and population issues using improved communication are critical in determining the quality of care, safety, and costs to the individual and the system since health practitioners are trusted to deliver better outcomes. The information empowers healthcare professionals and contributes to measurable quality and safety improvements with fewer malpractice claims and more effective care (Carpenito, 2017). Trust is critical in determining the level of care patients receive.

Better patient outcome is achieved when the developed treatment plan includes emotional health, pain control, functioning, physiological measures, and symptom resolution. By incorporating patient, family, and population problems, healthcare institutions acquire knowledge that helps in minimizing preventable readmissions (DiGioia and Shapiro, 2018). Furthermore, understanding the problems is significant in determining the level of the shared decision-making process in the parties become involved. Nurses and the entire healthcare organization begin to prioritize collaborative activities that rely on resolving patient, family, and population issues (Carpenito, 2017). Through collaborative activities, nurses improve their work satisfaction levels, which influences the entire system’s performance. Furthermore, patient, family, and population engagement in collaborative activities are necessary for service delivery since it leads to higher retention levels and the ability to recruit quality talent at the system.

Patient, family, and population problems incorporation in treatment programs translates to planning, assessment, and delivery of options that define how nurses relate with people of every age. Understanding the issues affecting patients, families, and the community helps practitioners determine their participation level when devising treatment programs (DiGioia and Shapiro, 2018). The knowledge influences the perspective that when practitioners recognize patients, families, and the community as necessary allies in achieving quality of care, they incorporate their perceptions to develop better health outcomes. The problems faced contribute to the quality of interaction between practitioners and their patients and impact quality improvement strategies. Other potential outcomes associated with an understanding of the challenges faced by patients, families, and society are improved safety initiatives, policy development, system design, and healthcare professional education (Carpenito, 2017). Moreover, the impact associated with the patient, family, and population issues results in improved quality of care, enhanced experiences, wise resource allocations, and better staff and clinician satisfaction.


Carpenito, L. J. (2017). Nursing care plans: Transitional patient & family-centered care. Wolters Kluwer.

DiGioia, A. M., & Shapiro, E. (2018). The patient-centered value system: Transforming healthcare through co-design. CRC Press.

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