Physical Activity Helps to Be Healthy


Nowadays, being healthy has become a trend that many people thrive to follow. “Exercise is the miracle cure we’ve always had, but for too long we have neglected to take our recommended dose”, but is physical activity indeed a key to being healthy and keeping yourself in shape? (National Health Service [NHS], 2021, para 3) The health experts from the NHS (2021) claim that exercise benefits the human body in innumerable ways: from reducing the risks of suffering from severe illnesses to enhancing an individual’s mood. That is why it is crucial to take exercise for everyone, meaning children, teenagers, adults, and older people.

In fact, being engaged in physical activity is believed to yield psychological benefits, such as the boost of self-esteem, mood, the enhancement of sleep, the decrease in risk of suffering from stress and depression. Overall, exercise is of detrimental value to the human body as it helps us to be healthy, in shape, and even feel good about ourselves, which is also vital for exceptional mental health.

Undoubtedly, to reap the benefits from exercise, people should take it regularly and in proper amounts. As a matter of fact, it is crucial to choose the type of physical activity based on an individual’s ability. Still, if one is suffering from specific diseases, excluding the exercise that might severely harm one’s condition is advisable. Now that compulsory requirements for starting working out have been discussed, it is essential to determine the type of exercise and its average amount required to keep the human body healthy and in shape.

Average Amount of Exercise and How Much a Person Needs to Be Healthy

It is advisable for people to take exercise on a daily basis if they want to enhance their health and body considerably (NHS, 2021). An individual has to be physically engaged for 150 hours on average during the week (NHS, 2021). People are advised to switch the type of exercise to advance all the muscles and increase flexibility. For instance, during the week, a person might opt for the following: taking a walk, stretching, running or jogging, and working out in the sports centers. The health condition should be considered when choosing the type of physical activity.

To acquire such a beneficial habit as everyday exercise, people should change their routine. Individuals may commute on foot to their workplace, educational establishment, or other institutions, instead of using public transport or their own car. People can go for short walks around their neighborhoods, instead of surfing on the internet; hence, they can spend their time with the benefit for their bodies.

Individuals can reap more benefits for their bodies when exercising if they focus on the intensity of activity (NHS, 2021). During any type of physical activity, people should move quickly to increase heart rate, breathing, and feel warmer (NHS, 2021). When comparing the advantages of moderate and vigorous intensities of activity, NHS (2021) shares that the second one yields more health benefits. Vigorous exercise considerably improves heart health and reduces the risks of mortality. Moderate activity is not advantageous if people thrive to increase their bodies’ capacity.

Nonetheless, it is essential for people to be familiar with the rules of physical load and equipment usage if they exercise in health centers or gyms. If an individual is controlled by coaches who are competent in the fitness area, the proper type of exercise for them can be easily identified. Consequently, it is feasible for one to reap all the benefits that physical activity can offer. Thus, it is now time to discuss the benefits related to a person’s physical health that regular exercise can yield if one is cautious when training.

Reducing the Risks of Developing Illnesses

Physical activity can considerably minimize the risks of suffering from diseases that seem incredibly dangerous to human health. It is scientifically approved that people who exercise regularly are less likely to develop heart diseases, type 2 diabetes, cancer, dementia, and osteoarthritis (NHS, 2021). Physical activity assists the human body in increasing metabolism, which, consequently, keeps the body fit. Another critical point is that people might enhance their flexibility by taking regular exercise, which may considerably increase the body’s range of motion. Developed flexibility leads to muscular balance, ensuring the efficiency of muscles. Exceptional stretch is also beneficial for averting injuries, such as straining the muscles or twisting the body parts out of shape during physical activity.


To conclude, regular exercise is essential for strengthening an individual’s health, both physical and mental. Proper physical activity can yield numerous benefits for the human body, such as minimizing the possibility of getting a severe disease and boosting a person’s self-esteem. Therefore, people must consider their bodies’ capacity in order to avoid injuries, which can also be accomplished by enhancing flexibility. Overall, health should be treated as the first and foremost wealth, and to do that, people need to realize the significance of taking exercise.


National Health Service. (2021). Benefits of exercise. National Health Service UK.

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