Business Ethics Management and Its Elements

What are the major elements that may be included in a strategy to implement Business Ethics Management?

Business Ethics Management (BEM) can be implemented in an organization in order to produce positive results. Several elements such as codes of ethics, green accounting, and guiding principles can therefore be used to implement BEM (Ciulla, 2011). The use of an ethics hotline can also support the BEM implementation strategy.

What are 4 different types of Codes of Conduct?

The “four major types of Codes of Conduct include industry, professional codes, organizational or corporate, and group or program codes” (Terris, 2005, p. 26).

What key elements should be included in a Code of Conduct?

Several elements should be included in an effective Code of Conduct. To begin with, the code should outline the most desirable labor standards. The code should also outline the best approaches to protect stakeholders and consumers. The codes should also address issues such as corruption and bribery (Ciulla, 2011). Environmental stewardship should also be included in a code of ethics. The major issues associated with the targeted industry should also be part of the code of ethics.

What are ethics hotlines/reporting-lines? Why can these be very important?

Ethics hotlines (also called reporting lines) are channels for uncovering the major issues that might affect the corporate image of an organization. These hotlines are important because they help employers and employees monitor specific problems before they affect organizational performance (Trevino & Nelson, 2011). They also ensure ethical behaviors are promoted in order to improve the firm’s corporate image.

What is the role of leadership in establishing an ethical operation?

The leadership type embraced in an organization determines the success of its ethical operation. The leader identifies the right behaviors, address existing challenges, and promote the use of ethics hotlines. The leader can promote several training programs to empower more workers (Terris, 2005). The effectiveness of the leadership approach will therefore dictate the ethical operations undertaken by the organization.

What is the role of ethical “culture” in establishing an ethical operation?

An “ethical culture is relevant towards establishing the best ethical operations and behaviors” (Trevino & Nelson, 2011, p. 56). The culture promotes effective ethical practices and strategies. The culture will make it easier for the firm to have positive practices and support employees’ needs. The ethical culture will improve collaboration and participation.

Are relations with all stakeholders likely to be smooth and cooperative initially?

The kind of business ethics strategy implemented will determine the relation between the firm and the stakeholders. More often than not, the stakeholders might be opposed to the ethics strategy at the very beginning. This is the case because organizational changes tend to encounter some resistance (Ciulla, 2011). However, a competent leader can address the needs of different stakeholders and promote the existing relations. The strategy will eventually promote the company’s corporate image.

What is the main limitation of global codes of conduct?

The main limitation of global codes of conduct is that they tend to feature high-profile issues in the developed world. This fact explains why developing nations find it hard to support such global codes. For example, codes of conduct focusing on international trade undermine many underdeveloped countries (Terris, 2005). As well, such codes might fail to address the concerns of different international stakeholders.

Why is enforcement a critical issue with regards to the effectiveness of codes of conduct?

The use of enforcement can be essential towards supporting the effectiveness of codes of conduct. This is true because the approach will ensure more people are guided and monitored (Casson & Lee, 2011). Appropriate guidelines will also be presented in order to ensure the code of conduct is successful.

Why has the use of ethics hotlines increased so rapidly in recent years?

The use of ethics hotlines has increased in the recent past due to the level of scandals experienced in different companies (Ciulla, 2011). They are embraced in order to address various ethical issues and promote business performance.

How can a firm assess the effectiveness of its ethics policies and procedures?

The effectiveness of ethics policies and procedures in a firm can be determined by the recorded results. The workers should be able to act ethically, use different hotlines, and promote the best practices (Carroll & Shabana, 2010). As well, the policies and procedures should add value to different stakeholders. These aspects can be used to assess the effectiveness of the ethics policies.

Why do corporations regard ethics hotlines as an important tool to manage risk?

Ethics hotlines are used by many corporations in order to manage risks. Such hotlines improve communication and collaboration (Carroll & Shabana, 2010). Potential risks and problems are identified and addressed in a timely manner. This approach prevents potential legal problems.

What are the key components of a good ethics hotline system?

A good ethics hotline system should be able to connect different stakeholders in an organization. An effective response strategy should also be part of the system. An aspect of animosity is relevant to promote trust and efficiency (Trevino & Nelson, 2011). The system should also be working 24/7 in order to produce positive results.

Why might employees still resist using an ethics hotline?

Employees might resist an ethics hotline if it appears to threaten their jobs. The system might also encounter resistance if there is no effective communication (Booth & Rowlinson, 2006). Lack of effective response can also result in resistance.

Reference List

Booth, C., & Rowlinson, M. (2006). Management and Organizational History: Prospects. Management and Organizational History, 1(1), 5-30.

Carroll, A., & Shabana, K. (2010). The Business Case for Corporate Social Responsibility: A Review of Concepts, Research and Practice. International Journal of Management Review, 1(1), 85-105.

Casson, M., & Lee, J. (2011). The Origin and Development of Markets: A Business History Perspective. Business History Review, 85(1), 9-37.

Ciulla, J. (2011). Is Business Ethics Getting Better: A Historical Perspective. Business Ethics Quarterly, 21(2), 335-343.

Terris, D. (2005). Ethics at Work: Creating Virtue at an American Corporation. Waltham, MA: Brandeis University Press.

Trevino, L., & Nelson, K. (2011). Managing Business Ethics. New York, NY: John Wiley and Sons.

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