Adaptive Technology and Students With Behavior Disorder

Significance of the Project

This paper is going to have a keen focus on the significance of using adaptive technology in teaching. This adaptive technology will be used concurrently with teachers and students who have behavioral disorders. The adaptive technology is called Out on a Limb: A Guide to Getting Along Program. This advanced technology is a web-based design for students who turn out to be social misfits. Therefore, using this Out on a Limb: A Guide to Getting Along program will serve as a helping tool on the internet for students thus increasing their social skills. This program as said earlier will focus on students with behavioral disorders. The behavioral disorder is the social misfit. The adaptive technology will be used by highly qualified teachers who are well versed with up-to-date internet knowledge and teaching-learning methodologies that will ease the teaching process. Thus, using this approach to impart knowledge that will assist students to have a good rapport with their society is the priority in this proposal. Recent studies on the effectiveness of technology in teaching and learning have shown an improvement in students’ academic performance and social connection. Therefore, hundreds of learners will be able to gain a lot of academic knowledge and improve their social relations by using this computer-based advanced technology. Also, the social interaction skills will be improved because the project will pose several chances for self-development and give ideas that are essential in social interaction. Hence, Castellani & Jeffs (20010 notes that if teachers and students incorporate this project in the teaching and learning process there will be an outstanding exposure to various activities that will foster participation in shared reality and enhance interpersonal communication.

This proposal will give a detailed elucidation on how to use the advanced project by the esteemed teachers with a variety of students with behavioral disorders. As stated earlier, the magnitude of the learners who are going to be assisted in this project will be giving room for improvement of more gadgets and more advanced technological approaches to teaching that will not only improve class participation but also check on the emotional and social disorders of students ((Lee, 1999). The project is computer-based and funds are needed to facilitate the realization of the project. Englert, Manalo, & Zhao (2004) suggest that money is a powerful horse that builds morale, brings yonder needed resources, and gives them ample time to execute the key things in life. Therefore, funding will see to that the Out on a Limb: A Guide to Getting Along Program will be effective and completed. The funding may be generated from the government, interested stakeholders, NGOs, and community-based affiliations.

Key Words: behavioral disorder and Out on a Limb: A Guide to Getting Along Program.

Research Design

The study will be carried in two notable schools in Saudi Arabia. A closer approach will be taken on third graders. The schools will bring up 20 third graders learners who have behavioral disorders. These students will be integrated with 20 third graders who are normal. Both the participants will be male. Besides having a principal investigator there will be also skilled personnel who will be essential. There will also be a clerical staff of ten skilled professions in the field of accountancy and data sampling methods. That is, two skilled technicians for handling computers and software applications necessary for teaching and learning using the advanced technology. They will be responsible for servicing and repairing all equipment for the research. Good classrooms that are well equipped with computers and projectile devices will also be of the essence. The computers will be well spaced and the power supply will be also sufficient. Enough computers will be essential for each group of learners who will be mixed in the ratio of 1:1. The project will run for three months concurrently in the two schools. I will personally be moving around to have a keen view of the results that will be gathered. A team of four professional teachers will also be incorporated for the smooth administration of this project. The teachers are well-educated and Ph.D. graduates who have been several contributors to curriculum development and educational matters in the country. In addition, these teachers are energetic, skillful in advanced technology, and both have shown special interest in learners with behavioral disorders. The Out on a Limb: A Guide to Getting Along Program is an internet-based program that evokes desired characters from the learner as he or she goes through the various steps offered by the computer teacher. The professional personnel will be essential in guiding the learners to participate in the instructions given by the computer teacher and help them in the actual practice of the social skills that will be learned. School programs like breaks between lessons will be effectively used for workshops that will encourage the participation and correlation of the learners in this research.

Three research instruments will be used to gather relevant attitudes and responses from the project. These instruments are questionnaires, interviews, and observation during the classes and workshop sessions. Reliable software called SPSS 15 will be used to decipher the closed questionnaires. This software will be used by the skilled personnel to give a relevant descriptive analysis of the questions answered in the closed questionnaires. The open questionnaires will be evaluated in a qualitative manner that will respond to any emerging issues. Observation of the students in class and workshops will be recorded although it will not be efficient in showing the attitude and response of the participants (O’Leary, 2004). Because the teachers are only four, semi-structured interviews will be essential. The interview questions will specifically question the effectiveness of the advanced project, the attitudes of students, and the resulting improvement of the social skills of the learners (Payne, 2004).

Closed questionnaires will be effective because the participant will find them easier to fill out. This will give room for a comparison of the responses gathered. For effective sampling, a blank box will be left at the rear end for the participants to add more relevant answers at their convenience. There will be a frequency tabulation of five points that will necessitate the quantification of data and its reliability in calculating measures of central tendency. The questions in the questionnaires will be written in the language of the catchment area or a preferable language that will not be confusing. Preferably, it will be written in English and translation will be offered for understanding (Littlewood, 1989).

Interviews will be essential in clarifying the questions that might not have been answered in the closed and open questionnaires. Therefore, semi-structured questions will be appropriate. These questions will be asked to the participants on the usage of the Out on a Limb: A Guide to Getting Along Program, its effectiveness in socialization, and the overall improvement of self. For cultural reasons the interviews will not be recorded, however, they will be noted down by the responses of the participants. These interviews will be efficient when they will be carried out on the last week of the study in the two schools.

Observation will also be essential in eliciting more issues that would have been missing. The observations will entail a predetermined checklist and notes which will be written earlier (O’Leary, 2004). This will help in the organization of observations and bring forth salient themes that would have been absent (O’Leary, 2004).

The data that will be gathered in this research design will facilitate the formulation of a strong thesis which will be a guide in the implementation of this project. The special software SPSS 15 will be used by skilled technicians to compute the descriptive analysis of the data gathered. This will statistically find the frequency of the positive response of the advanced program. This program will also be used to measure null hypotheses and determine measures of central tendencies. Therefore, hundreds of learners will be able to gain a lot of academic knowledge and improve their social relations by using this computer-based advanced technology. Also, the social interaction skills will be improved because the project will pose several chances for self-development and give ideas that are essential in social interaction. This technology is a web-based design for students who are social misfits. Therefore, using the Out on a Limb: A Guide to Getting Along program will serve as a helping tool on the internet for students thus increasing their social skills. This program as said earlier will focus on students with behavioral disorders. The behavioral disorder is the social misfit of children with their fellow students and their immediate surrounding. The adaptive technology will be used by highly qualified teachers who are well versed with up-to-date internet knowledge and teaching-learning methodologies that will ease the teaching process.


Although several types of research have been carried in Saudi schools on the use of technology, the internet, second language usage, and other education-related research, there has been no fundamental approach on students with disabilities that have been met (AL-Abdan, 1993). Therefore, this proposal has singled out a neglected and very specific group of learners with behavioral disorders. The research mainly wants to gather relevant information that will ascertain the effectiveness of the Out on a Limb: A Guide to Getting Along program with learners who have behavioral disorders. The research will respond effectively to the aesthetic responses that will be evoked from the study. Therefore, due to the above discussion, my enthusiasm about the students with behavioral disorders has been developed and the main objectives the research will deal with are:

The project will:

  1. Make an ample chance for the professional teachers to use Out on a Limb: A Guide to Getting Along program with learners having behavioral disorders and impart the required social skills;
  2. Provide an opportunity for the students with social disorders to become aware of social skills and identify ways in which they can correlate with their peers by using the learned skills in class and the workshops;
  3. Ensure that the usage of Out on a Limb: A Guide to Getting Along program with learners having behavioral disorders works well with other rehabilitation programs to foster learning, social interaction, and improve their shared reality during interpersonal communication and relations;
  4. Guarantee the effectiveness of Out on a Limb: A Guide to Getting Along program with learners having behavioral disorders by improving the social skills of the participants in the study; and
  5. Act as a support to foster further researches on the use and development of advanced technology with learners with behavioral disorders and encourage teachers to use the advanced technology of Out on a Limb: A Guide to Getting Along program to teach learners with behavioral disorders and thus improve their social skills.

The above project objectives have a specific focus on the Out on a Limb program to help students with behavioral disorders. The objectives will give central attention to the above-named learners and give a harmonious integration of the students with other students who do not have behavioral disorders. Thus, giving a delightful environment for; learners to correlate, teachers to note the learning process, and research personnel to gather raw data that is essential. In addition, the aftermath of this project will give the upper hand for the stakeholders and the government to foster the improvement of refined devices and gadgets. These devices will help thousands of students to overcome challenges that hinder their complete participation in class and their social environment. This proposal will give a detailed elucidation on how to use the advanced project by the esteemed teachers with a variety of students with behavioral disorders. The magnitude of the learners who are going to be assisted in this project will be giving room for improvement of more gadgets and a more advanced technological approach to teaching that will not only improve class participation but also check on the emotional and social disorders of students. Therefore, hundreds of learners will be able to gain a lot of academic knowledge and improve their social relations by using this computer-based advanced technology. Also, the social interaction skills will be improved because the project will pose several chances for self-development and give ideas that are essential in social interaction.

Impact and Advancement of Research Goals

The most significant impact of this project will be of the essence in the advancement of the research goals. For example, the parents of the students with behavioral disorders will be heavily involved in this study. This will give them first-hand information on the development of their children. The information will be essential because it will help them realize the development of their children socially and academically. Therefore, this project is significant to the parents and the respective students in the student. Relevance will be to the research personnel. The professional teachers will form a basis of the experience of using the Out on a Limb program to other uniformed and inexperienced teachers to adopt this module so they can cater to students with behavioral disorders. The surrounding communities in the school will be eyewitnesses to the project and give relevant information for the adoption of this advanced technology in teaching students with behavioral disorders. Therefore, using the Out on a Limb program with students with behavioral disorders will automatically have a positive impact on the learners. The program will assist the learners by improving their relationships with their peers, parents, teachers, and the larger community positively and collaboratively. Hence, this will make the learners more creative, adaptive, and active in their social environment thus changing the lives of many for decades to come. In addition, the stakeholders and teachers who will be involved will broaden their expertise in teaching, incorporate creative ideas, and encourage the use of the Out on a Limb program to teach (McArthur, 1996). This proposal will give a detailed elucidation on how to use the advanced project by the esteemed teachers with a variety of students with behavioral disorders. As stated earlier, the magnitude of the learners who are going to be assisted in this project will be giving room for improvement of more gadgets and more advanced technological approaches to teaching that will not only improve class participation but also check on the emotional and social disorders of students. Therefore, the research will give a fundamental contribution to curriculum developers to incorporate all learners in the learning process by using this advanced technology and allow meaningful amendments in the education system in Saudi Arabia.

Adequacy of Resources

The adequacy of resources will be able to provide an arena for developing the social skills of learners as discussed above. The funding program will enable the researchers in this project to present a good program for students in Saudi Arabia. The adequate budget of $ 73, 300 will be to support the project for the three months by purchasing the relevant gadgets. As we look at the different costs; they are very reasonable; appropriate and quite reasonable. The funding will enable adequate resources needed in this project to be purchased and be put into use during the study. The budget will purchase the named equipment, computer services, and attend to any emerging costs during the study. The interested partners and NGOs will be able to donate funds that will be able to support the project further.

Budget Description

This proposed budget will support the project fully.

Project Budget

  • Equipment
    Computers and software…………………… $ 20,000
    Projectors………………………………………… $ 7,000
  • Supplies
    Purchase of CDs and USB devices…………$ 100
    Books and Notepads…………………………… $ 100
    Pens……………………………………………..$ 100
    Total…………………………. $ 27, 300

Proposal Budget & Budget Justification

Allowable costs

  1. Personnel …………………………………….. $ 20,000
  2. Clerical support ……………………………… $ 5,000
  3. Computer maintenance cost………………….. $ 7,000
    Travel Expenses ……………………………………… $ 10,000

Other Expenses

  1. Publication costs………………………………. $ 1,000
  2. Postage ………………………………………… $ 500
  3. Long-distance telephone charges …………………. $ 1,000
  4. Duplication …………………………………… $ 500
  5. Participant support costs………………………. $ 1,000
  6. Software costs…………………………………. $ 100
  7. Internet charges………………………………… $ 500
    Total………………………………………………… $ 46,600

Grand Total – $ 73,300

Budget Justification

The above budget proposal will be shared among the numbers stated in the research design area. The justification of the above budget lies between the ranges given in the number of people that are involved in the research. That is four skilled professional teachers, one principal investigator, ten clerical officials, two skilled technicians. The budget is highlighting on the magnitude of the learners who are going to be assisted in this project. They will be giving room for improvement of more gadgets and more advanced technological approaches to teaching that will not only improve class participation but also check on the emotional and social disorders of students ((Lee, 1999). The project is computer-based and funds are needed to facilitate the realization of the project. Englert, Manalo, & Zhao (2004) suggest that money is a powerful horse that builds morale, brings yonder needed resources, and gives them ample time to execute the key things in life.

Links to professional goals

The research is based on the education of the social misfits in society. This is an alarming emerging issue in children. This research will offer several chances for job vacancies. Hence, provide enough interaction with society and the learners. In addition, the professional advancement of teaching methodologies will be evident. This interaction will be meaningful and will have enough impact on learners by using advanced technology. Thus, this will be a professional goal that will help to attain the objectives. Moreover, as a Saudi student who has a scholarship from the diligent government, I will be able to focus on this aspect that the learners with behavioral disorders need more developmental programs such as the Out On a Limb: A Guide to Getting Along program to foster their social skills in the society. This proposal has given a detailed explanation on how to use the advanced project by the esteemed teachers with a variety of students with behavioral disorders. The magnitude of the learners who are going to be assisted in this project will be giving room for improvement of more gadgets and a more advanced technological approach to teaching that will not only improve class participation but also check on the emotional and social disorders of students.

The qualified personnel named above will be essential in completing this project effectively. There will be able to give the right research procedures. The skilled technicians will be provided with daily transportation. Also, the principal investigator, clerical staff, and professional teachers should be assessing the students daily. Thus prior transport means should be arranged.

The facilities needed are; two classrooms, 40 computers for each student, relevant internet access from a reliable service provider, two projectile devices with a fine screen, SPSS 15 software for statistical calculations, demonstration sites for workshops, enough notebooks and pens, and chairs for workshops. These resources will be provided for the three months in which the research will be ensuing.

The proposed budget must highlight the above-named resource because they are the key resources in the whole research. The proposed budget will highlight on:

Long term funding

As suggested earlier that funding will see to that the Out on a Limb: A Guide to Getting Along Program will be effective and completed. The funding may be generated from the government, interested stakeholders, NGOs, and community-based affiliations. Therefore, by working closely with the partners and financial equity members, the funding will see to it that the project attains set objectives, gathers enough experience on handling learners with behavioral disorders, and further acts as a catalyst for further research (Beck, 2002). This funding will help the stakeholders to engage in further research about the topic and measure up to the standards of teaching using advanced technologies. On the other hand, the funding will help Advanced Technology which will help about two million learners with behavioral disorders to be integrated with other learners who do not have any emotional and behavioral disorders. Eventually, this project will give room for improvement of the Out on a Limb: A Guide to Getting Along program that can help the number of students named above to overcome challenges that hinder their complete participation socially with the community.

Evaluation and strategy

As stated earlier that the research instruments that will be used to gather relevant attitudes and responses from the project are questionnaires, interviews, and observation during the classes and workshop sessions. Reliable software called SPSS 15 will be used to make sense of the closed questionnaires. This software will be used by the skilled personnel to give a relevant descriptive analysis of the questions answered in the closed questionnaires. The open questionnaires will be evaluated in a qualitative manner that will respond to any emerging issues. Observation of the students in class and workshops will be recorded although it will not be efficient in showing the attitude and response of the participants (O’Leary, 2004). Because the teachers are only four, semi-structured interviews will be essential. The interview questions will specifically question the effectiveness of the advanced project, the attitudes of students, and the resulting improvement of the social skills of the learners. Therefore, the Quantitative and qualitative analyses will be the main approach. Using SPSS 15 software measures of central tendency will be measured to find frequencies of the effectiveness of the Out on a Limb: A Guide to Getting Along program. In the long run, the project will have to address budding and emerging issues that will be evident in the research findings. When the project is approved, its success will be evaluated by the realization of the set objectives that were stated above. For example, the realization of using of Out on a Limb program with learners having behavioral disorders. Will it work well with other rehabilitation programs to foster learning, social interaction, and improve shared reality during interpersonal communication and relations? Will the Out on a limb program have an effective and positive influence on learners? Will the Out on a Limb program help learners to be socially involved with their community and schools? If these objective-related questions will be answered positively, then the research will have an impact on the teaching profession and the lives of the students who have behavioral disorders.


From the introduction, we learn that recent studies on the effectiveness of technology in teaching and learning have shown an improvement in students’ academic performance and social connection. However, the several types of research that have been carried in Saudi schools have been based on the use of different technology, the internet, second language usage, and other education-related research. Hence, there has been no fundamental research approach on students with disabilities that have been carried. Therefore, this proposal has singled out a neglected and very specific group of learners with behavioral disorders. The project proposal has given a detailed elucidation on how to use the advanced project by the esteemed teachers with a variety of students with behavioral disorders. Hence, a big magnitude of the learners is going to be assisted in this project. This will be giving room for the improvement of more gadgets and more advanced technological approaches to teaching that will not only improve class participation but also check on the emotional and social disorders of students ((Lee, 1999). Therefore, this program will focus on students with behavioral disorders. The behavioral disorder is the social misfit of children with their fellow students and their immediate surrounding. The adaptive technology will be used by highly qualified teachers who are well versed with up-to-date internet knowledge and teaching-learning methodologies that will ease the teaching process. Thus, using this approach to impart knowledge that will assist students to have a good rapport with their society is the priority in this proposal.

Therefore, one can conclude that the use of the Out on a Limb program will not only help the skilled teachers to sharpen their expertise but will also pose a challenge to skilled teachers to perfectly impart knowledge (Stephens, 1994). This will eventually improve academic performance, ease life, and allow the learners with behavioral disorders to connect with their immediate surroundings. In short, this project will confirm that the Out on a Limb program will help about two million learners with behavioral disorders, thus, integrating them with other learners who do not have behavioral disorders. Out on a Limb program will give room for improvement of refined devices and gadgets that can help the number of students named above to overcome challenges that hinder their complete participation in class and being socialist with their community and schools?


AL-Abdan, A.A. (1993). A study on using Arabic in teaching Saudi intermediate schools. King Saud University Magazine, 50(2), 396-426.

Beck, J. (2002). Emerging literacy through assistive technology. Teaching Exceptional Children, 35(2), 44-48.

Castellani, J., & Jeffs, T. (2001). Emerging reading and writing strategies using technology. Teaching Exceptional Children, 33(5).

Englert, C. S., Manalo, M., & Zhao, Y. (2004). I can do it better on the computer: The effects of technology-enabled scaffolding on young writers’ composition. Journal of Special Education Technology, 19(1).

Lee, C. (1999). Learning disabilities and assistive technologies: An emerging way to touch the future. Amherst, MA: McGowan Publications.

MacArthur, C. A. (1996). Using technology to enhance the writing processes of students with learning disabilities. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 29(4), 344-354.

O’Leary, Z. (2004). The essential guide to doing research. London: Sage.

Payne, G. & Payne, J.(2004) Key concepts in social research. London: Sage.

Littlewood, W. (1989). Communicative language Teaching: An Introduction. Oxfrod: Oxford University Press.

Stephens, P. & Crawley, T. (1994). Becoming and effective teacher. Cheltenham: Nelson Thornes.

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