World Population: Personal Thoughts

In the year 2011, the United Nation indicated that the world’s population had reached 7 billion people. Currently, the world’s population is more than two-half times larger than it was in the last 70 years. This unprecedented increase was caused by reduced mortality rates accredited to improved health, nutrition, and longevity. With increased population, the future’s environment and resources are at risk hence the need for a long-lasting solution. Current governments are bothered by the present population growth rate and its distribution. Though there are numerous controversial theories raised by scientists and environmentalists, most people do agree that the current world’s problems are attributed to overpopulation. In this paper, I explore several effects of overpopulation and strategies we are to adopt in the future to combat it.

To control overpopulation, I do believe that the world’s governments should deal with all the root causes of overpopulation. Globally, overpopulation is aggravated by more pov, high birth rates, and lack of education. These facts are confirmed by the third world’s demographic data. In this regard, I urge the affected governments to work together in fighting factors that facilitate overpopulation. Through this, the governments are to educate their citizens on the effects of overpopulation and its solutions. Equally, governments must enforce strict laws that impede overpopulation. For instance, poor families should be limited to raising the number of kids they are can provide for. As individuals, we should all change our attitudes. In the US, most citizens still hold on to the notion of having two kids rather than one kid, hence the need for a complete change of attitudes. Similarly, couples should increase the use of contraceptives and family planning techniques. Currently, if we fail to control overpopulation the future’s repercussions would be critical. Governments might be required to impose forceful sterilization and hysterectomies, as witnessed in Uzbekistan. Therefore, we should all advocate against overpopulation, to minimize the risk of future mitigation methods.

For a very long time, the US government has failed to address the issue of overpopulation. With the population being blamed as the root cause of the current environmental ills, overpopulated cities, and increased traffic, the US government must acknowledge overpopulation as a major challenge in the 21st century. In turn, the US government must set up the right policies and strategies to limit the ever-increasing birth rates. As the first step, the government should limit the number of babies each family is to have.

In my opinion, poverty is a major cause of overpopulation in developing countries. In these countries, a large percentage of their population lives below the poverty line, and as a result, they cannot afford to access contraceptives and education. Consequently, these individuals do not only lack sexual knowledge but also knowledge regarding contraceptives and family planning. Thus, to reduce overpopulation and its effects, I advise the governments, organizations, and individuals to work together and end the root causes of overpopulation by fighting poverty. With reduced poverty, the standard of living increases, hence checking on the population growth rate.

Overpopulation poses a danger to every country’s future stability and strength. Thus, countries that must continue to flourish must combat overpopulation. Similarly, overpopulation should be checked for our natural resources to be sustainable, and reduce the current environmental problems. Failure to do this, life on earth will adversely be affected in the future.

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