Homicide in the White Community


Homicide is a crime that is perpetrated by both whites and non whites. This paper seeks to understand why non whites perpetrate this crime against whites and establish some measurable aspects and explanations that can be used to address the problem. Homicide is a major social problem whose effects are devastating to the society and it would be very helpful if measures are put in place to curtail this vice.

Inter-racial crimes are on the increase in communities where the white and black population is proportionate to each other thus increasing the chances of contact and conflict creation (Gabbidon 18) due to the view that whites are considered a superior race to blacks. Social injustices, inequality and unfairness prompt blacks to engage in criminal activities to defend themselves. Some of the contributing factors are as explained in the text below.

Factors that could be used to explain the scenario

Increased and prolonged study on racial and ethnic crimes targeting a specific ethnic group increases racial disparity that leads to animosity and criminal activities (Cubbin, Pickle and Fingerhut 581). This helps in explaining the possible differences that are identified in offences committed on racial grounds and why non white crimes are directed towards whites. Political, social and economic factors have also highly contributed to interracial homicides based on research findings of a study on 165 cities in the US. In regions where there is greater competition between blacks and whites, interracial homicides are higher. In instances where a majority of the leaders are white, offenders are most likely to be black and victims white.

When the ratio of black to white single parent families reduces, it causes a decline in racial gap in homicide arrests. Cities that experience population increase especially black population, the racial gap in homicide arrests also reduces.

If the ratio of blacks to whites increases, the gap in homicidal arrests also increases (Cubbin et al 582). Although poverty is not the ultimate factor that contributes to homicide rates among the blacks in the United States majority of the blacks live in deplorable conditions ranging from unemployment and income inequality. This could be a possible explaination as to why there is an increase in the number of black offenders among white victims. However, this is contrary to studies that show that tendency to commit homicide is higher among whites than blacks due to socio-economic deprivation.

Based on historical evaluation, instances of traditional violence against blacks that occur within the states in the US and have continued over a period of time contribute to homicidal incidences against whites by the blacks. It is therefore important to develop a generic pattern of causes of homicide based on race and sex (Eitle, D’Alessio and Stolzenberg 640). This will help in understanding the visible differences and similarities between a homicidal incidence and perpetration of the crime. The pattern can help in deducing the profile of offenders and victims and thus reduce this crime against whites (Lyons 359).

To understand and solve homicidal crimes, circumstances that lead to the incidence should be identified; available evidence collected and research on the community should be done. The experience and workload of the investigator are also contributing factors towards the data and percentages collected on the homicide rates against whites.

Due to increased discrimination and infringement to the blacks in the US, the blacks engage in homicidal crimes to safeguard and assert ones racial identity (Perry 72).The concept of whiteness is also affirmed by the incidences of death penalty given to blacks by mostly white juries. The criminal justice system therefore seems to be inclined to ne race and this provokes the blacks to assert themselves by engaging in crime.


Statistics show that the number of homicide victims among the whites has been below 10 per 100,000 populations between 1976 and 2005, with most of the incidences being intra racial. 86 percent of all homicide victims have been murdered by fellow whites (Cubbin et al 585). Geographic location, urbanization and socio cultural effects contribute to homicidal incidences and have the same effect to blacks and whites. This therefore does not justify the view that a majority of the offenders could be black. With most of the crimes being perpetrated by whites, this is Contrary to the view that homicides are higher in unfavorable socio-economic conditions. Therefore, a new method of identifying homicide rates based on racial divide should be identified.

Studies show that Ethnicity has a small effect on crimes associated to robbery, arsenal or homicide; however immigration has a great relation to the motive of the homicide. Immigrant groups are vulnerable targets of homicidal violence. This explanation further justifies the need for a new system of study.

Works Cited

Cubbin, Catherine, Pickle, Linda and Fingerhut, Lois. Social context and geographic patterns of homicide among US black and white males. American Journal of Public Health, 9(4) (2000): 579-587.

Eitle, David, D’Alessio, Stewart and Stolzenberg, Lisa. Economic Segregation, Race, and Homicide. Social Science Quarterly, 87.3 (2006): 638-657.

Gabbidon, Shaun. Criminological perspectives on race and crime. London: Taylor & Francis, 2010. Print.

Lyons, Christopher. Defending Turf: Racial demographics and hate crime against Blacks and Whites. Social Forces, 87.1 (2008): 357-385.

Perry, Barbara. Defending the Color Line. American Behavioral Scientist, 46.1 (2002): 72-92.

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