Latin America and British North America Differences


The difference between these two societies resulted from slavery due to trade in the early 15th century.

The America Latin

This is a group found in southern America and colonized by the Spanish and Portuguese. Central America was in control of Spanish power between 1524 and 1526. These Spanish settlers settled in the coastal region of Venezuela due to fisheries practices. Meanwhile, the main attraction that led to this colonialism and settlement of Latin America was the availability of silver and gold. This attracted many investors from Europe whose presence was due to the silver and gold demand to trade.

British North America

This society had both territories and colonies from the British Empire. They settled in the North part of the American states after the end of the revolutionary war. The society originated from the United Kingdom, and it had twenty territories mainly from Mexico, Newfoundland, Rupert’s land Nova Scotia and Prince Edwards Island. The United Kingdom formed a parliament act in 1982, which earlier in the following year; it formed the British North America society (Stearns, 1986).

Differences between Latin America and British North America

The economy of Latin America and British North America differs from each other. The difference between Latin America and British North America ranges from economic activities, social activities, and cultural activities. Both economies from Latin America and British North America produce diverse materials with different population density as well as their cities, which are extremely different. The economic activities of Latin American society are different from the one experienced by British North America in a way that, British North America ventures into textiles industry while the Latin society has economic activities that involve agricultural activities such as cotton, rice, sugar and Tobacco. In the early 17th century during the revolutionary, Latin America used to import cheap products. They have been exercising these activities over a long period until the early 19th century. British North America liked to venture their businesses in the industries. Their interest was in machinery, and their activities were to do with nothing other than machinery.

Meanwhile, the lifestyle of Latin America and British North America differs from each other. Most British North American people liked to leave in the cities, while the Latin American society people liked to live on farms along the coast. Activities like commercial trade were evident from British America who preferred to live in cities other than in the small towns. Latin America had several towns, which were self-centered. However, the population density of these two societies differs from each other. Immigration activities affected Latin American society who never gained anything out of these activities.

The Latin community was full of slavery forcing the community to deteriorate. Most of their people moved out from the southern area, settling in the Northern part of America. The British North American society had a rapid change in its population. These changes and differences in the number of the population were caused by slavery activities between these two communities. Many people in this nation prefer to leave in the northern part of the country.

There was a population difference encouraged by British North America, since, those people who regarded themselves as Latin society did not have a chance to acquire job hence this deteriorate the population growth. During this revolutionary period, Latin America favored slaves since they believed there was part of their society hence this made the British North American people hate the slaves making them work harder. Since then, we have been having a bigger difference between these two societies over past years.

Causes of this difference

Latin American society is the conqueror and settlers of America. They are the group that originated from the influence of Portuguese as Spanish intermarriage in the early 15th century. This satisfies the difference from British North America who originated from the United Kingdom intending to make industrialization and interaction. The interaction of these two communities was due to the presence of valuable minerals like silver, and a little bit of gold that was present from this coastal area of Latin society in America. Many British saw advantages of using Latin people by associating them on trade projects that result in slavery later.

They originated from the northern part of the country and settled there until now. Latin communities liked agricultural activities. This attracted British America forcing them to venture into business for utilizing Latin resources. These commercial activities resulted in the slavery system, one of the reasons why there is hatred among this society causing a tremendous difference.


Overall, Latin America and British North America are the societies found in the States of America, situated in the southern and northern parts of the country respectively. Latin America is one of the early groups to settle in America who interacted with the Portuguese and Spanish communities in the trade. Therefore, in the mid 17th century, British North American society settled in the northern part of the country and started to interact with Latin American people. As a result, the introduction of slavery evolved since British North America took advantage of Latin America to work for them since Latin people liked to work on the farms. Meanwhile, there have been differences between these societies influenced by Latin society favoring slaves while British North American society being against the slaves. This has created differences between these societies caused by the slave trade activities.

Reference List

Stearns, P. (1986).What were the main causes of the difference in the world trade relation in Latin America and British North America colonies during the early Modern period. United Kingdom: Pelvic Publisher.

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