IT Project MGMT and Risk Management

In the IT field, risk management procedures and plans help IT managers and their organizations to foreshadow and prevent possible crises and problems caused by technological and social changes. In the IT field, the pace of advancement drives continual change and development, Risk management should capitalize on the most important external opportunities and internal strengths. The main activities of risk mitigation are related to the organization’s culture in terms of control consciousness and climate (Bailey, 2000). They result in changes to the formal organization (architecture) in terms of a realignment of the reporting structure for corporate control and internal audit. The risk management reports usually stipulate changes in internal processes, such as standardizing policies and procedures and strengthening internal audit functions and procedures. The IT management should reevaluate the mechanisms for planning and goal setting of the divisional structure, as well as establishing at world headquarters a greater capacity for monitoring and evaluating division financial performance.

From my work experience, I can say that disaster recovery method play a crucial role in IT risk management as they help to prevent data loss and violation of security measures. Inherent IT risk should also have been considered to be relatively high. Consistent with an IT management philosophy and a decentralized organization design, there is no attempt to establish a uniform chart of all actions but for the main processes and procedures. My department develops disaster recovery plans and data backup policies to prevent data loss. Policies for timing, valuation, and recording of transactions were not uniform across divisions and foreign affiliates (Flowers, 1988). The aim of the plan is o predict critical functions in the event during the interruption. Fear of hacker attacks crime is thus triggered by a broad range of IT conditions and to a certain extent is independent of the official rate of crime. If incivility is not viewed as a problem, then people appear to be able to cope with higher levels of crime (Awad, 2004).

In the IT field, the task of risk management is to predict and plan possible threats and develop the course of actions to reduce their impact on society. Standards for authorization procedures are often not formalized and also varied across divisions and affiliates. The circularity of effects should be dear. As communities changed, fear of the unfamiliar and unknown, and consequently that of crime, rose. As a result, when people encounter illegal acts they are more likely to call the IT managers, out of fear, whereas in the past, when the situation did not contain the element of unfamiliarity, the issue would be handled informally. So increasing fear is a cause of acceleration in reported crime when the actual incidence of crime has remained stable (Flowers, 1988). The relationship of fear to incivility has important implications for IT managers and leaders of organizations. Ways of ameliorating fear, other than directly reducing crime, should be sought. Urban cleanup and renewal may be more viable methods of controlling the effects of crime than an actual reduction of incidence itself. Also, those aspects of the crime problem which influence the public’s sense of safety may be the aspects that IT agencies tend to ignore. Local codes concerning abandoned buildings, unsightly graffiti, and other forms of vandalism are often not strictly enforced. The backup plan contains. The main elements of the recovery plan cover hardware, software, communication, backup data, redundant solutions, wide area networks (Block, 2001).

The task of crisis management is to stipulate the roles and duties of the personal and avoid chaos and panic situations. Given the events that have transpired, one might hope for a return to a way of life known in the past, but such stepping back into history is impossible (Marrison, 2002). Social changes that have occurred–many of which are positively valued by most people-cannot and should not be undone. It is not the same old America, nor should it be. It is important that the present status not be evaluated with viewpoints that are no longer appropriate. Crime is not increasing, but the sense of insecurity is (Block, 2001). The IT managers must come to grips with this issue and not allow it to become an issue blown out of perspective. These changes have made the population feel more isolated and increasingly unable or unwilling to deal with problems as individuals. Now more than ever before, Americans live in a society of strangers where interpersonal problems must be dealt with by formal means. With this, an important basis for personal security–familiarity–has been lost. As a result, the sense of control has decreased and fear has risen (Crouhy et al 2000).

In the IT field, it is crucial to locate a copy of the data to replicate it in emergencies. The benefits of this method are a fast response to crises and ready-made decisions which can be easily altered. This is not to suggest that IT personnel are devoid of human compassion or motivated solely by self-interest. IT managers risk their lives to arrest violent offenders, public defenders work overtime to represent their clients, jurors deliberate in stuffy rooms for days to arrive at proper verdicts, and probation officers loan clients their own money to help them through troubled times (Marrison, 2002). Expansion protects agencies from external threats from larger public bureaucracies that have more political power. This tendency toward growth is evident in the yearly budget requests of IT agencies. Seldom is an equivalent budget requested; instead, funds for additional personnel and supplies and new programs and projects are included in each year’s proposal (Marrison, 2002). This approach to the IT field produces growth: the agency becomes larger, its functions are broadened, and greater public dependence is slowly fostered. Over time, these trends firmly establish the organizational function as a public priority, ensuring the power of its officials and the survival of the organization (Crouhy et al 2000).

In sum, the greatest threat to restructuring is the desire of organizational elements to emerge with as little sacrifice of turf and resources as possible. This is parochialism at its worst because of the depth of the personal interest and the levels of management involved in the effort to challenge the restructuring proposal. Some businesses have to be more scientific in their monitoring for external threats and opportunities because they are either financially vulnerable and/or highly accountable. Less permanent characteristics of businesses known to affect business information need and demand include the degree of competitiveness of the IT field, resulting from factors including the degree of risks, convergence, and IT maturity; and related changes such as new players, new hardware, and software products and new areas or agreements. Modern information systems are key tools for environmental scanning, helping managers identify external changes and possible risks that might require an organizational response. IT becomes more risqué because it makes people dependant on it. Most of them consider emerging technologies as a radical way of opposing the traditional education practices, and even more radical ideas for what to do after they’ve gotten rid of them. While this is no revolutionary insight, in the context of presently emerging technologies the choices made have far-reaching consequences.


  1. Awad, Elias (2004) Management Information Systems, Merlo Park, Calif., Benjamin/Cummings.
  2. Bailey, John (2000) Managing People and Technological Change, London, Pitman.
  3. Block, Robert (2001) The Politics of Projects, New York, Yourdon Press.
  4. Crouhy, M., Mark, R., Galai, D. (2000). Risk Management. McGraw-Hill; 1 edition.
  5. Flowers, Stephen (1988) Success in Information Processing, London, John Murray.
  6. Marrison, Ch. (2002). The Fundamentals of Risk Measurement. McGraw-Hill; 1 edition.
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