Historical Figures: Harriet Beecher Stowe


People who are referred to as “historic figures” are often political or military leaders, although they are not always the ones who make history.

For historians, there is a risk that, by looking only at the actions of kings or presidents, they will overlook the influence of people who, although they did not have any formal political power, managed to launch processes of truly historic importance. One such individual is Harriet Beecher Stowe, the author of the famous 1852 novel Uncle Tom’s Cabin. By drawing the nation’s attention to the conditions under which slaves were living, Stowe inspired the free states to oppose slavery more fiercely and provoked much indignation in the southern states. An abolitionist and a woman of strong humanistic beliefs, Stowe made a large contribution to the abolition movement and to the culture of the nation that eventually condemned slavery.

For her outstanding achievement in raising awareness and convincing Americans of the inhumanity of slavery, Stowe deserves to be depicted on one of the currency bills of the United States.


Harriet Beecher Stowe represents the entire abolition movement as she has become one of the symbols of the struggle against slavery.

The abolition movement brought different people together on the basis of their humanistic beliefs, and it should be noted that it was not only a political movement (i.e., a movement to accomplish a certain amendment to the American Constitution) but also a movement led by ethical principles.

In her work, Stowe drew attention to unspoken issues.

From a historical perspective, it is important to understand that not all the people in the United States in the Antebellum Era realized how cruelly many slaveowners treated their slaves.

Apart from being an author, Stowe acted as a political activist, spreading the knowledge that she had gained from examining the lives of slaves in the South.

Stowe spent much time seeking out evidence of cruel treatment toward slaves in the South, and she eventually chose to translate those materials into fiction because she thought that storytelling, as opposed to newspaper stories or public speeches, would be a more powerful tool for reaching and convincing audiences.

For future generations, Stowe created impressive and appealing works that can be used in any era to teach young people about humanistic values.


Re-formulating the thesis statement: Harriet Beecher Stowe is an individual who should appear on one of the bills of U.S. currency because she has become a symbol of the struggle for freedom in the United States.

Her example is particularly appealing because she was not an elected official or a representative of a strong political interest group. She was a writer, and her main interest was to rid the American nation of the inhumane practice of treating human beings as property. Stowe managed to create moving works that were fictitious but had a more significant effect than political speeches or manifestations because they appealed to the emotions of people. She was a woman who made the abolition movement stronger and shaped the nationwide consensus that slavery was unacceptable.

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