Economic Principles at Rental Accommodation Market

Why would governments act to establish a binding price ceiling in the market for rental accommodation?

The price ceiling is an administration forced the maximum price at which goods can be sold. Government launch price ceiling in the market when policymakers believe that the market price of goods and service is imbalanced to the seller and the consumer. The government can fix a lawfully enacted maximum price in a marketplace that dealers cannot surpass to avoid the marketplace price from increasing above an assured level.

Effective maximum value has to be below the free marketplace price. A maximum price pursues the value and also includes a normative verdict on behalf of the regime nearly what price should be. Rents control has become an instrument to safeguard housing affordability and keep local rental fees from rising to excessive levels (Miller, 2004 p. 94). Policymakers impose taxes to influence market outcomes and make the market more efficient.

What is the market for rental accommodation before and after the introduction of rent controls?

Generally, rent control has been compulsory during the years of the World War. The suitability of commanding controls in a time of war appears to be nearly undoubted. The conviction is that the homecoming of combatants would affect a speedy and disturbing upswing in rental fees, and the burden of rent control would involve little efficiency (Broman 1998, p.47). Many regimes reaffirmed rent control in the contemporary years. Although frequently supported as a means of price regulator, rent control has become an instrument to guarantee housing affordability. It is a prerequisite to retain local rents from escalating to a high-priced level.

In many developing nations, for example, the mixture of an augmented ultimatum from quick development along with deteriorating real earnings and overall inelasticity of housing supply has been rational for putting up rent control (Broman 1998, p.47). The standard free marketplace equilibrium value is as shown below at p, but the government presented a maximum price at p maximum. This price ceiling makes extra demand for the produce equal quantity Q1-Q2 since the price has been detained below the normal equilibrium.

Rent Ceiling

The price ceiling set beyond the free market equilibrium price involves no consequence at all on the market. The introduction of the price ceiling affects suppliers and buyers as shown in the figure below (Paul W. 2005 p.63). The shortage appears when the central decision fix price is below the equilibrium because the buyers will want to buy more than they would at the higher equilibrium, while sellers will want to supply less than they would at the equilibrium price. The surplus will occur when prices are set above an equilibrium price because buyers will be willing to buy less than they would have at the lower equilibrium price. The sellers will be willing to supply more than they would at the lower equilibrium price.


How does a “Black Market” operate, in a regulated rental market? Who benefits and who loses from its operation?

A black market is an illegitimate flea market in which the usual market price is higher than a lawful enforced price. Black markets progress wherever there is an extra demand or shortage of a product. Certain customers are ready to pay higher prices in black markets to acquire the goods they desire. Rationing, wherever there is an extreme price, might also be attained by assigning the good on a ‘first come, first served’ basis, for instance, lines of customers. When there is a scarcity, higher prices act as a regulating device (Anas, 1988 p.48). Dealers might also allot rare goods by distributing only to favorite customers.


The problem arises from the upkeep of a maximum price because suppliers might react to a maximum price by decreasing their supply (Anas, 1988 p.48). Black Markets arise, and renters either end up making unreported expenditures to property-owners or living in unlawful housing. Renters are the Demand and Property-owners are the Supply in this marketplace. In the short-range, supply of accommodation is rather stationary and highly inflexible. Some scarcity appears merely due to extra demand that exists at the afresh forced price ceiling (Anas, 1988 p.48). There is the illegal purchase of the goods at prices above the ceiling since many consumers are willing to pay more than the ceiling as per the demand curve. The supplier of the product benefits from the black market.

What other problems arise with the introduction of rent controls?

The other problems arising from the introduction of rent control include the following:

Rent control creates shortages and also reduces the quality of the product. Capping the price of housing, rent control can increase demand and tend to reduce the quality of available housing, and raises rent for tenants who are excluded from its protections. When the asset owners control the fees, they are less enthusiastic to build new houses (Michael, 1992 p.82). According to Paul (2005):

Severe problems also arise when the administration sets values beneath the equilibrium. This causes customers to want more of the products than producers can produce. The abused chance to make both consumer and manufacturer surplus from those sales is well-known as ‘deadweight loss’ since it is earnings that are lost forever ( p.63).

In addition to making a deadweight loss, theatrically high price transfers make a profit from customers; these rents are often misused because manufacturers use them to uphold the controlled price (Michael, 1992 p.82). In case of a small price, the company makes a profit for consumers (Michael, 1992 p.82). Customers, in a rival for an inadequate sum of the controlled products, might abandon as much as they progress from receiving it at a lower price.

What are non-price techniques of allocation that the government?

The government can use non-price methods of assigning to introduce equity by buying in bulk (Peterson, 2001 p. 76). Lesser transition rate guarantees volume and cost-cutting of a measure making the cost of redeemable goods for the providers that the two parties can share. Information is another way to obtain lower prices through the market (Peterson, 2001 p. 76). Exhausting these facts, a knowledgeable customer can distinguish the goods that best fit their desires and can reduce price when purchasing a dissimilar product.

What are options that are open to the owners of rental property choose a renter in the absence of a government method of allocation?

Rent control administration may similarly create significant administrative hurdles for the overhaul and development of possessions, creating an impediment for property-owners to carry out such actions (Leung, 2000 p. 45). The landlord can also use income supplement police. The common possession assets are unfilled at a cash price lower than equilibrium.

How these solutions operate and what advantage it has over the other technique?

The income supplement police which enables tenants to have cheap apartments under the price ceiling is now worse off (Leung, 2000 p. 45). Society as a whole is better because the deadweight loss caused by a price ceiling has been eliminated, there are now no missed gains from trade. The common property assets are often allotted by guidelines that are first attended.


Anas, A 1988, ‘A Dynamic Policy Oriented Model of the Regulated Housing Market’, Regional Science and Urban Economics, Vol. 18, Iss. 2, pp. 201–231.

Broman, F 1998, Macroeconomics, Allen & Unwinds, Chicago.

Leung, M 2000, Macroeconomics. Hung Fung Book Co, Hong Kong.

Michael, V 1992, ‘Is there A Consensus among Economists in the 1990s?’ American Economic Review, vol. 82, pp. 203-209.

Miller, R 2004, Economics Today – The macro view, Canfield Press, San Francisco.

Paul W. 2005, Economics for Managers – The macro view, Allen & Unwinds, Chicago.

Peterson, W 2001, Principles of economics: Macro, Irwin, Homewood.

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