Teen Pregnancy and Its Prevention


The human mind is a control that toys the body and its characteristics. Sexual excitement though develops with the maturity of age and physical aspects of the body yet the control is still headed through mind conscience. Teenage pregnancy is one of the most common and highly risky factors of the modern industrialized world. Recent stats over several surveys and information attained from various parts of the world represent the increase in this effective and sometimes, fatal issue. This paper is going to highlight all the relevant information including the serious causes that incur such activities, the after-effects of these activities, and ways that can prevent them. Supportive information is hereby given to further enlighten the said problem.

Adolescent pregnancy or teenage pregnancy is one of the most challenging positions to face for modern teenage girls and their respective families. Various statistics project the facts that this matter is an alarming situation for society, especially where sex is not prohibited in case of mutual agreement from both sides. However, national and religious laws, where abided, discourage such activities and even prosecute, if caught with evidence. Teenage pregnancy is an issue that can be counted as a reflection of the inability of health programs to achieve their goals. The lack of control over minds and the lack of audience’s attention both obstruct the awareness of the issue.

Early sexual excitement

The subject discussed over here, can be a result of early sexual excitement. The early maturity of girls in modern society is considerable. The fast-moving life and media relaxation has given rise to such content that can arouse the desires of human nature. The modern fashion styles of dresses are also revealing enough to attract attention and eventually indulging in sexual activity. Evidence is visible that the amount of sexual content exposed to the youth minds on television contours the sexual behavior and attitude in such a manner that makes them liable to reproductive health outcomes. There is still no practical analysis that can examine the association between television content coverage and teenage pregnancy.

Study’s data

However, the data provided here is specifically collected to analyze the input of television, broadcasting content that is eligible to arouse the excitements and motions that leads to activities resulting in pregnancy. Data has been collected from the means of the survey between the ages of 12 to 17 years and these teens are observed critically for a long period of 3 years until the age gets mature up to 15 to 20 years. This tested the issue that whether the sexual content forecasted successive pregnancy occurrence for girls or it increased in boys as being held responsible for the sexual act. The survey and observing criteria critically presented the abundance of teen pregnancy using television sexual content exposure. Teens who were dealt with by higher levels of content were twice the number of people who were likely to attain a pregnancy in the past 3 year period, compared to those who got a lowered amount of exposure to the sexual substance.

This study evaluated and exhibited a potential linkage between the experience of sexual substance present on television and the occurrence of a pregnancy before turning 20 years of age. Restraining such youngsters’ contact with the sexual content present on television and harmonizing depictions of sex in media with information that educates about harmful impacts can reduce the threat of teenage pregnancy. Perhaps, parents can take the edge off the influence of this sexual content by viewing with their kids and conferencing about the presentations of sex (Chandra).

Nudity and obscene content available for view over the internet, in magazines, and in the form of videos available legally, can provoke cravings for sex. Thus, when a girl develops a relationship with the opposite sex, the possibility of fulfilling these desires increases and leads to having intercourse at an immature level. A teenager can have pregnant in different situations. The development of long-term relationships that has lack discretion, due to the replacement of anxiety by artificial trust, encourages such activity. Secondly hooking up with several men purposefully, without any protections and precautions, knowing the fact, that it may satisfy the needs but is unsafe, can be a consequence also. And thirdly, an involuntary situation is called rape. Rape is further divided into more parts. Statutory rape consists of intercourse with an agreement at an age that is illegal by law. Forced rape is referred to as intercourse without consent and age factor.

The use of drugs and alcohol by men in the teenage years is also an indirect factor that complements the pregnancy of under aged women. Alcohol generates risky sexual behavior. Men who use drugs and alcohol are reviewed and examinations portray the levels of their sexual affection. The cautious nature of using contraceptives and having protected sex reduces since the senses don’t tend to work appropriately and lust overcomes them, so chances of pregnancy rise in that case (Koch and McGeary).

The after-effects of pregnancy

As for the after-effects of pregnancy, there are several conditions. An under-aged individual is unaware of the facts of being a mother. The answer to the question of educational hindrance would be that a teenager prevailing with these circumstances would drop out of school to avoid embarrassment. The vulnerability of a student in this form is high in terms of disrespect and suspension from the school. Usually, fellow students harass the victim and teachers expel them. The conditions get worse when the body starts changing its shape and physical activities are reduced.

Psychological diversion and emotional disorder hinder the performance of a student and attention in the class is distracted. Frustration and fear begin to develop leading to confusion and bitterness in the personality of the affected. Quite naturally, the response of the subject towards this unplanned occurrence is emotionally excruciating and very confusing. Dealing with an unplanned pregnancy is intimidating for teenagers who aren’t matured to the desired level of handling such situations (Sabia).

Teen pregnancy rates in the USA

According to the stats, United States has the highest rate of teen pregnancy, teenage birth, and abortion in today’s world. Almost 40% of teenagers carry pregnancy before the age of 20. Since the mother and father both are of illegal age or at least not in the age of bearing child, fearing education and health issues take place. Under-aged mothers bear painful complications during pregnancy and delivery thus depriving them of earning a high school diploma. Secondly, the born babies have serious health issues at the time of birth and are more likely to be physically abused. Even when they grow up, they don’t high grades at school and are meager in academics. Later, they indulge themselves in unlawful activities leading to prosecution and jail. To fetch welfare support, the teen mother has to identify the father of the baby and she should have been attending school or working. According to the stats, the cost of teen childbearing is over $38 billion per year (Sabia).

Another risk factor that is viewed after the pregnancy is the confusion between birth and abortion. It is quite hard for a teenager to decide as to whether she wants to give birth to a child or not. Sometimes, families force the girl to abort the child and get rid of everything once and for all. Other families who tend to be more sensitive and positively emotional in this case encourage birth and take the responsibility to bear all the expenses for the present as well as the future requirements. But unfortunately, the birth of children as compared to abortion cases is lower. Abortion has taken over the count and people don’t feel it as a bad deed, whether seen under religious consent or metropolitan laws. However, the parents can involve the laws will influence the encouragement of teenagers to engage them in lesser risky sexual activity which would, in turn, lessen the requirement of abortion without escalating the occurrence of motherhood. This means that if the teenage girl completely changes the point of view about aborting the child and viewing it as a method of birth control, then there might be a valid chance of substituting this painful method with easier to use procedures like condoms, pills, injections, or above all completely abstaining from sexual activity for them (Ayres, Ian, and Baker).

Sex education

Teachers educating sex teenage students tend to emphasize the prevention of abstinence from it. Though educating about contraceptives and after-intercourse procedures should also be taught in case of unwanted or forced cases. Procedures that can prevent teenage pregnancy include birth control pills and patches, usage of condoms, IUDs or intrauterine devices, Intravenous injections, spermicides, and cervical caps. The reliability of these measures is however doubtful and they can fail anytime with no prior symptoms, which in turn leads to pregnancy. The only 100% effective measure that gives complete protection is abstinence from all sexual relations. Numerous statistics have shown that teenagers who abstain from sex are more likely to maintain their routine with schools and colleges. Results prove the increased probability of graduating individuals who tend to delay their first sexual relationship (Sabia).

The analysis indicates here would be in regards that state that teenage pregnancy is a severe concern that has to be taken under the consideration both by the government of states, as well as the head of the department for religious affairs and law enforcing department that is supposed to reduce the number of such involuntary actions that may cause teenage pregnancy. With all the stated information here in the paper, In this paper teenage pregnancy has been analyzed identifying several causes including approval and disapproval cases from women and these cause also include indirect platforms that give rise to such issues like men who are found as drug addicts and alcoholic.

Involvement of media in this regard should be reviewed and viewer discretion is required completely. Parents, who are aware of the facts, should educate their children without hesitation, since this may be effective in preventing the child’s academic, practical, and matrimonial future, as it is inherited further.

The physical abuse leading to mental and moral harassment should be observed by teachers at school and necessary aid should be provided in such cases. Expelling from high school is not the solution. The analysis also has shown the side-effects that can harm the individual potential and distract the mind towards confusing nature and a fully frustrated life due to the pregnancy incident.


In the end, it could be said, that to succeed in life, abstinence is the best precaution one can take to avoid such circumstances that hinder the performance of academics and if sexual activity is, however, taking place, age and maturity should be considered efficiently with the additional use of precautions that provide sufficient protection from diseases as well as teenage pregnancy.

Works Cited

Ayres, Ian and K. Baker. “A Separate Crime of Reckless Sex.” University of Chicago Law Review (2005): 599-666.

Koch, S.F. and K.A. McGeary. “The Effect of Youth Alcohol Initiation on School Completion.” Economic Inquiry (2005): 750-765.

Sabia, J.J. and I.R. Daniel. “The Effect of Sexual Abstinence on Females’ Educational Attainment.” Demography, Forthcoming, iHEA 2007 6th World Congress: Explorations in Health Economics Paper: 3-6.

Sabia, J.J. “Does Sex Education Affect Adolescent Sexual Behavior and Health Outcomes.” Journal of Policy Analysis and Management (2006): 783-802.

Sabia, J.J. “Reading, Writing and Sex: The Effect of Losing Virginity on Academic Performance.” Economic Inquiry (2007): 647-670.

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