Twelve Principles and Techniques for Managing Change

Change is a pervasive influence. We are all subject to continual change of one form to another. Change is an inescapable part of both social and organizational life (Mullins, 2004). Change can originate within an organization or outside the organization.

The principles for managing change outlined by Lynco Associates depict the way managers and organizations need to manage and respond to new challenges or opportunities presented by the environment. In this regard, the most important principles are principles 2, 7, and 10. Principle 2 talks about the need for everyone’s decision in change implementation. This is important because the result that is to be achieved from the steps taken affects the entire department, thus the need to take into consideration each person’s opinion. Principle 7 is essential in emphasizing trust through consistent behavior and well-defined values. Having trust in one another is the cornerstone to achieving the desired result without resistance. Principle 10 emphasizes the need for a clearly defined vision that would guide the change management team to have a reason for implementing change. Vision enhances a planned organizational change, in that; it represents an intentional attempt to improve, in some important way, the operational effectiveness of the organization.

People are likely to oppose change. It is, therefore, essential for management to implement a clearly distinct strategy for the start of change. New ideas and innovations should not be perceived as threats by members of the group. Thus an organization may use the Matrix of Change technique to identify critical relations among processes. This chart assigns every member to a certain role; hence managing change in regard to the outlined principle is much controllable. Another technique is the decision-making process. Every member’s decision is taken into consideration and represented through decision trees and decision tables to come up with a desirable result.

Therefore, change is seen in many organizations as inevitable and changing organizations will affect the nature of managerial work. This implies that a proper technique for managing change must be used in support of the change management principle; these techniques include the matrix of change and the decision-making process.


Lynco Associates. Twelve Principles for Managing Change. 2009. Web.

Mullins, L. (2004). Management and Organisational Behavior. London: Pitman Publishing.

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