The Importance of Teachers Using Questioning Procedures to Probe Learners’ Understanding

Quality of learning and educating is improved by questioning skills. Teachers normally ask various questions to learners such as: no/ yes questions, rhetorical questions, and leading queries (asking question, then a teacher gives hints to learners). Such kind of questions impact minimal expectations to students’ thought. “Effective questioning is focused to reduce such superficial inquires, though vital in the initial stages, to attain affective ways to probing learners’ understanding” (Borich, 2007). Questioning is an important and meaningful aspect that needs a change in thinking. Teachers can engage in: quick questions that require rapid responses; thoughtful questions which push learners’ thinking for a long time; what and how questions require critical thinking; test questions that probe current knowledge, and real questions which are beyond current knowledge (require new context of reality). Miller, Linn & Gronlund assert that probing questions has three levels: input questions need little engagement because they require simple facts; process questions expect learners to contrast and compare facts; while output questions require learners to apply their knowledge into new context of facts (2009).

Explain the Importance of Teachers Probing Learners’ Understanding in Order to Provide Effective Feedback to the Learners

According to Miller, Linn & Gronlund, it is important for teachers to determine whether learners understand what is being taught (2009). This would enable teachers to know whether learners are concentrating during lessons; some learners may daydream while may appear following the lesson. Teachers should thus probe learners to inspect whether they understand what is being taught. Probing learners’ understanding entails integrating instructions with discussion; this is to incorporating test queries (asking learners what they already know) with real questions (asking students questions that they might not explain). Though, students may not know how to explain real questions, they are simply required to talk about their experiences; regardless of giving right answers. “In clarifying fresh topics, teachers need to check students’ knowledge by probing preliminary queries linking the topics to learners’ prior experience and reality of the subject matter” (Borich, 2007). Answering real questions would enable teachers and learners to explain what is perceived as intricate and difficult.

Explain the Importance of Teachers Using Follow-Up Questions

Miller, Linn & Gronlund affirmed that follow up questions enable teachers to supervise students, engage learners with contents, enhance understanding and promote participation for learners (2009). Questioning is a vital tool as it encourages communication, hence teachers would know the progress of learners. Teachers usually minimize their talks during discussion while encouraging learners to maximize their contributions. Furthermore, teachers utilize follow up queries in order to: explore learners’ diversified perspectives; enhance learners’ tolerance of intricate subjects; develop their awareness; and to enable learners to know their assumptions. “Follow up questions: promote concentration and respectful listening; create fresh appreciation of ongoing differences; and develop intellectual alertness” (Borich, 2007). Following up students enable them to be empathic to generate ability of integration and synthesis.

Explain why it is Important for Teachers to Create a Climate that Encourages Students to Ask Further Questions and Compare Opinions, Knowledge, and Experiences With Others.

Questions are essential components of effective learning and teaching. “Without asking questions, there would be nothing to be probed and explored; teachers and learners would be in the dark world” (Miller, Linn & Gronlund, 2009). Questioning enable learners to be acquainted with various topics; encourage students to share their personal experiences. Questioning improves dynamic and impression of learning environment. Group learning promotes deeper thought and motivates learners to reflect deeply. Questions provoke and challenge learners’ understanding. Questioning also generate collaborative learning; and enhance clear communication and democratic discourse. Borich viewed that questioning generates a precinct of proximal development that enhances learners’ thinking; this develops caring atmosphere when students share their personal experiences (2007).

Teaching Professional Code of Ethics

Borich asserted that teachers and learners should comply with academic integrity (2007). Educators need to provide support and guidance to students through use of technological advancement, academic discourse and other appropriate alternatives. Students and teachers should avoid academic dishonesty and criminal activities.


Borich, G. (2007). Effective Teaching Methods: Research Based Practice. (6th ed). New Jersey: Pearson Prentice-Hall.

Miller, D., Linn, R., & Gronlund, N. (2009). Measurement and Assessment in Teaching. (10th ed). New Jersey: Pearson Prentice-Hall.

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