Sexual Harassment in the Workplace


Sexual harassment is viewed from two perspectives. The first one is quid pro quo where employees demand for requisite benefits based on sexual favors. The second one is defined in the context of a hostile work environment that is pervasive, offensive, and often intimidating (Fasting, Chroni and Knorre 122). Research has established that both types of sexual harassments exist and sexual harassments often occur either in written or physically. It is important to note that harassments in work related and hostile environment constitute sexual harassment if offending party shows a certain pattern of behaviour (Arnett 11). However, when a person asks for sex in return for a favor, then it constitutes sexual harassment. It has been established that training on sexual harassment constitutes a major responsibility of the organizations irrespective of the person undergoing training. The goal is to ensure that people work harmoniously together to avoid the costly effects of sexual harassment such as lost careers and other costs that might arise.

Conte argues that training on sexual harassment is an important program that makes people aware of their responsibilities, know the procedures and policies to comply with, and enable victims to cooperate with investigations, and support those who have been adversely affected (11). Besides, Arnett suggests that the training program equips employee with the requisite knowledge on how to prevent the act from happening (12). Organizations can prevent sexual harassment by adopting a clear sexual harassment policy and training line managers and supervisors on how to prevent sexual harassment. In addition, training enables employees and the management to take sexual harassment complaints seriously by acting immediately in case of sexual harassment.

Training objectives

  1. Define sexual harassment
  2. To train and educate individual on the man types of sexual harassment
  3. Develop an understanding on why single incidents are often sexual harassments
  4. Ho sexual harassment occurs in the workplace

Sexual harassment consists of making unwelcome advances that are pegged on sexual favors. The two main types of sexual harassments are a hostile work environment quid pro quo (McLaughlin, Uggen and Blackstone 10). On the other hand, quid pro quo type of sexual harassment occurs when an employee’s benefits are associated with some form of sexual favor. Pateman notes that single incidents of seeking for sexual favors might happen (3).

Why it’s important to prevent in workplace

Connell argues that prevention of workplace sexual harassment benefits the employee, enables organizations to retain high quality employees (12). Besides, it prevents expensive lawsuits, job losses, crude and demeaning insults, and enabling appropriate behaviour among employees.

Describe policies and ways to prevent

According to Conte, the polices define the meaning of sexual harassment and the guidelines for taking corrective action in case an act is determined to be credible (9). Besides, provide guidelines on how to reprimand offenders in accordance internal policies are stipulated. The management takes the responsibility of instituting laws, creating awareness, and taking disciplinary actions to prevent sexual harassment.

What to do when in situation

One is supposed to follow specific procedures to report to the respective authorities in case of sexual harassment. Conte notes that the complainant should provide the details of the actions and the perpetrator so that investigations can be started and appropriate actions taken on the offender (3).

Works Cited

Arnett, Jeffrey Jensen. Adolescence and emerging adulthood. Pearson Education Limited, 2014.

Connell, Raewyn W. Gender and power: Society, the person and sexual politics. John Wiley & Sons, 2014.

Conte, Alba. Sexual harassment in the workplace: Law and practice. Aspen Publishers Online, 2010.

Fasting, Kari, Stiliani Chroni, and Nada Knorre. “The experiences of sexual harassment in sport and education among European female sports science students.” Sport, education and society, vol. 2, no. 2, 2014, pp. 115-130.

McLaughlin, Heather, Christopher Uggen, and Amy Blackstone. “Sexual harassment, workplace authority, and the paradox of power.” American sociological review vol. 4, no. 77, pp. 77, pp. 625-647.

Pateman, Carole. Sexual contract. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2014.

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