Qualitative and Quantitative Statement of the Problem

Qualitative Statement of the Problem

The purpose of this case study is to comprehend and illustrate the extent at which social sanctions influence individual behavior in an organization among employees. At this stage in the study, the main purpose would be commonly defined as establishing the link between behavior control and production (Kuhn, 1996). This is a very complex study since it involves human behavior, meaning that it cannot be conducted using any other research method. After identifying the problem, the researcher goes ahead to establish a sample population. The type of sampling employed will be convenience sampling because it is not possible to undertake a total random survey. The researcher will therefore interview a few available respondents including friends, relatives working in various organizations as well as colleagues. Interviewing will be utilized as a data collection technique. The qualitative interviews are stuffed with unrestricted questions, whose responses must capture the structure of a narrative by the respondent regarding his or her knowledge. The research will commonly be much lesser in capacity because of the complete quantity of information, which must be evaluated by the canvasser. This provides researchers and ultimately readers an additionally inclusive image of the viewpoint of the themes of the study.

The canvasser commissioning qualitative study should set up a straightforward sketch of subject matters that he/she desires to cover in the interview. These themes are used as guidelines particularly when the respondent appears to be swerving from the subject or a concise set of queries that have to be inquired consecutively by the interviewer. The study guide method permits the interviewer and respondent to figure a correlation within the interview and can enable the progression to encompass the experience of a dialogue as opposed to a prearranged intellectual process. The investigator should settle on how to document the interview (Leedy & Ormrod, 2010). There are three options available. One being tape-recording, another one being taking detailed notes and finally the researcher can decide to combine the two. Note taking is more advisable because the researcher gives attention to the study more. Tape recording dissatisfied many respondents, which may sometimes make them uphold important information. Conversely, it is impossible for an interviewer to record every word on a notebook because it cannot explain the hiatus in the interview. This is the reason why both are more frequently applied.

Quantitative Statement of the Problem

Sexual harassment is one of the felonies that have recently taken root in the society mainly because of the idea of male patriarchy. Women have stood out firm to challenge the position in society by coming up with various feminine organizations with a sole purpose of eradicating this injustice. The problem of male domination has in recent years extended to work places where the bosses force their junior female employees to extend sexual favors in return for goodies such as promotions and other rewards. The female bodies have stood firm against this menace and have gone a notch higher to formulate policies that will make it hard for sex mongers to extend their misdemeanors to work places. This quantitative study will therefore strive to examine the extent at which the vice has affected organizations in both private and public sectors. The study will take the form of a survey whereby the population to be studied will be identified and selected based on the prevailing conditions. For there to be representativeness in sampling, random sampling will be applied in determining the respondents. Non-randomization affects the conclusions of the study in that the data might be interpreted to suit foregone conclusions. To ensure that the study is in line with the set questions, previous works will be revisited to establish facts and hypotheses. This will be in a stage referred to as literature review (Neuman, 2005). The target population will be the employees of organizations in both private and public sectors.

The group that will benefit from the findings of the study will be mostly oppressed women in organizations. Policy makers will utilize the findings in coming up with regulations aiming at achieving fairness in work places. The research takes the form of survey hence utilizing the services of a standardized data collection instrument referred to as questionnaire. Data collection through questionnaires is less time consuming and cheap since the researcher can employ research assistants to administer the process. The questions can as well be developed in such a way that they can be disseminated in an open interview. In preparing questions, loaded statements should be avoided at all costs. Questions should be simple and easy to understand. The researcher should always try to avoid sample selection biases by focusing on randomness (Willis, 2007). Fairness is obtained by keeping way from guiding questions, that is, avoiding questions that tend to lower the respondents prestige. For there to be effective conclusions and findings, researchers combine the two methods to come up with another research method called mixed method. The method benefits from the advantages of the two research designs.


Kuhn, T. (1996). The structure of scientific revolutions. Chicago, IL: The University of Chicago Press.

Leedy, P.D. & Ormrod, J.E. (2010). Practical research: Planning and design. 9 Ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Neuman, W.L. (2005). Social research methods: Qualitative and quantitative approaches. 6 Ed. Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.

Willis, J.W. (2007). Foundations of qualitative research: Interpretive and critical approaches. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

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