President vs. Congress over Foreign Policy


The constitution of many countries including America splits foreign policy authorities amid the president and congress for them to have a share in making foreign policy. The legislative and executive divisions also play crucial roles in enacting the goals of foreign policy. However, the president is the constitutional envoy of the people. He or she has the responsibility of meeting the demands of the people who gave him power.

Citizens believe in an individual and not a multitude of people, and that is why they erect a president to serve them. However, the president has a limited amount of power to carry out matters of foreign affairs effectively this is because of the sharing of foreign policy powers with the congress.

The president’s role in responding to foreign affairs

The president as the head of Foreign Service serves as the representative of a nation in international meetings. All congress members can’t attend international congregations, and that is why the president takes the responsibility of airing out the views internationally. The presentation of one person in international meetings is a show of togetherness and trust inoculated in the nation’s leader. For instance, President Wilson presented the American delegation at Paris Conference in the year 1918, at the end of the First World War for consultation with other heads of state.

President appointment of ambassadors

Every country opts to have a representative in every nation, and it is the role of the president to ensure that he has sent ambassadors to every country in the world. The president has the responsibility of appointing and recalling ambassadors. It is also the responsibility of the president to welcome ambassadors from other nations. In doing so, the country crates good friendship with other nations hence leading to cropping of international trades. (Lee and Eric 790)

The president also has the power of making laws, hence, enacting the achievement of goals juggled by foreign affairs without statutory approval. For instance, President Reagan was forced to make a law without the consent of Congress to end the Iran crisis. The creation of the peace inoculating law was of the nation’s interest, and that is why the president should have power over Congress in addressing foreign affairs matters. (Joseph and Kesselmn 290).

Termination of treaties

The president should as well have the power of terminating treaties that may lead to the endangering of the country. His dominance of power over congress will aid settle a problem before it is too late. The president should as well have the power of entering a country into peace treaties with other nations for the good of his country. In many cases, terrorists threaten nations to sign treaties with other nations with aim of working together to fight against criminality.

For instance, President Roosevelt signed treaties with the allies and managed to conquer their enemies. It is also the role of the presidents to meet and share political and economic issues with other nations and implement the learned ideas in their country.

Policy declaration

The president initiates foreign policy via independent proclamation or combined reports given by other governments. The independent depictions given by the head are the objectives and goals of the government. In proclaiming this, the president challenges the congress members together with those in the executive into working hard. For instance, the dual accord made in 1986 by heads of seven nations towards fighting intimidation decided to use diplomatic means in meeting their goals. (Thurber 22).

The inaction of trade policy

The president should as well have the power of announcing low tariffs when it comes to economic factors. In announcing this, the country will have much participation in international trades leading to the development of a country economically. International trade will also expand the international relationship that will contribute to a country’s economic achievements. (Steven and John 307).

In cases of threat from a group of terrorists, the president exercises his foreign affairs power by declaring war. In doing this, he saves the country from attacks that may lead to the drawing back of the nation’s development. The president should as well take part in signing a peace treaty with other nations on important international issues. (Steven 202).

Protection to subjects

The branch of defense grants the president the power of protecting his subjects in foreign nations. The president, through a letter, has the power of saving a subject from oppression in a foreign. In writing a letter of the gazebo and comeback, the president saves the subject from foreign oppression.

The secretary of the government jointly with the head of government handles and contacts foreign governments. Through this, the president learns from other national innovative ideas that may aid in uplifting the standards of his nation.

Aid request

The president with the aid of congress has the dominant power of seeking economic support from other potential countries. In addition, the president also seeks food relief from other nations to save his subjects.

Granting the president too much power towards foreign policy may lead to misunderstanding between the congress and the president. Some of the events that may lead to disagreements between the congress and the president are:

Presidents sovereign action

Many a time presidents misuse their posts by embarking on unexpected foreign policies before the informing of the congress. This leads to cropping of dilemma incidents when it comes to matters concerning the risking of the country’s peace. For instance, the bombing of Libya by President Reagan was an independent inoculated action. The incident had led to the death of many innocent persons. (Shull 12)

Imposing sanctions

The president may use his power to stop the trading activity of other nations with his country. Curtailing of trade among nations may lead to the drop of the country economically. This law may also lead to the development of enmity among nations.

Ordering unnecessary war

The president may misuse his foreign policy power by involving his nation in unnecessary wars with other nations leading to crippling of the economy of the country. For instance, President Bush ordering the foray of Panama in 1989 was unnecessary. This led to the death of many innocent people. (Steven and John 159)

Regulation of foreign aid

The president may use his post of foreign affairs in regulating the flow of resource assistance to third-world countries. In doing this, a country may develop enemies leading to movement regulation of citizens within nations.

Banning of movement

The president may as well misuse the power by banning the movement of foreigners to their countries. This banning may result in enmity among nations hence the decline of international trading and investment.

In conclusion, the president has the highest responsibility in carrying out foreign affairs compared to the congress and legislature. He represents his country in international conferences. In addition, the president also takes part in controlling the participation of his country in international trade.

Works cited

Joseph, William, and M. Kesselmn. Introduction to Comparative Politics, New York: Cengage Learning, 2012. Print.

Lee, Frances, and S. Eric. The Oxford Handbook of the American Congress, New York: Oxford Handbooks Online, 2011. Print.

Steven, Hook. U.S. Foreign Policy: The Paradox of World Power, Washington, DC: CQ Press, 2010. Print.

Steven, Hook, and S. John. American Foreign Policy since World War II, Washington, DC: CQ Press, 2010. Print.

Shull, Steven. Presidential-Congressional Relations: Policy and Time Approaches, New York: University of Michigan Press, 2000. Print.

Thurber, James. Rivals for Power: Presidential-Congressional Relations, Landham: Rowman & Littlefield, 2009. Print.

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