Management of Job Stresses

Management in any organization is very crucial especially when it comes to dealing with employees. This is because of the employees’ stresses in places of work resulting from lack of good care from their managers. As a result of this, most of the employees are known to value a caring manager more than they do to their payments and fringe benefits. For instance, in the case an employee is being harassed or is not recognized by the boss in the place of work; his/her performance will be affected which in turn would affect the organization’s production. In this case therefore, managers should be very keen when dealing with their employees in order to avoid stressing them at their places of work (Robbins & Coulter, 2009).

It should be noted that, job stresses cut across all professions starting from the higher ranked workers to the lower ranked ones. In this case, job stress usually posses a threat to physical, mental and psychological health of an employee. In connection to this, stresses originate from within or outside the workplace; this paper entirely discusses stresses that originate within the work place (Robbins & Coulter, 2009).

Job stress is a kind of a disease that is caused by certain conditions within the workplace; which unconstructively have an effect on a worker’s performance and the general comfort of his body and mind. On this basis, symptoms of job stress differ from one worker to another depending on situations like; the period of time one has been subjected to stressors and the magnitude of the stress. In this case, examples of symptoms of job stress include; anxiety, absenteeism, depression, substance abuse and loss of mental concentration among others (Robbins & Coulter, 2009).

Managers should note that, job stresses are mainly caused by factors like; job insecurity, high demand for performance, expansion of technology, workplace culture and personal or family problems among others. It has been revealed that, women are known to suffer from mental and/or sexual harassment within their places of work which increase their job stresses. On this basis, managers should consider these factors very carefully in order to minimize stress among their employees (Robbins & Coulter, 2009).

It is the duty of managers in any organization to provide a stress-free work environment, by recognizing factors that may cause stresses among their employees and hence take corrective measures. This is because job stress reduces productivity, raises management pressure and causes many illnesses like depression among the employees (Robbins & Coulter, 2009).

In order to reduce stress among the employees, managers should avoid bullying or harassing them; considering their empowerment and involvement in determining their own responsibilities. Additionally, there should not be unreasonable performance demands; but instead effective communication and conflict resolution measures should be developed by the managers. Further, it is upon the managers to see to it that employees are allowed to work the required number of hours and not being overworked; as this would lead to both physical and mental tiredness. In addition, employees’ satisfaction would result from rewards on basis of merits. In this case, managers should motivate workers by promoting them whenever necessary; and rewarding them on basis of recognition and good packages (Robbins & Coulter, 2009).

To wind up, job stress lowers employees’ productivity which results to low production of the entire organization and hence should be avoided as much as possible. By so doing, organizations’ managers should try as much as possible to make their employees happy by minimizing stressors among them.

Reference list

Robbins, S. & Coulter, M. (2009). Management, 10th edition. New York: Prentice Hall Publishers

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