Leadership: Definition and Components

Definition of Leadership

It is quite easy to define the word leader. A leader is a person who leads others. When it comes to leaders within organizations, this definition should be more detailed. The leader is an individual who leads people through affecting their behavior as well as decisions. The leader also assists in the establishment of goals and the development of strategies to achieve them. Given this, it is possible to develop a definition of leadership within the organization. Leadership is a process that involves efficient guidance and help provided to people within the organization to achieve organizational goals.

Components of Leadership

Leadership is a complex process that includes several components. One of the major characteristics of leadership is its collective nature. In other words, leadership presupposes that a group of people is involved. There should be a leader and followers (the number of followers can vary) and the group is led by one individual in the vast majority of cases.

Another important element of leadership is a certain hierarchy as the leader exercises more power than the followers. Apart from that component, the leadership is goal-oriented. The leader should have the vision and develop the strategy to achieve organizational goals set. It is noteworthy that the development of the strategy may be carried out by a leader with the participation of the followers. Hence, leadership is associated with the future as the leader focuses on the development of the organization rather than on particular ways to complete certain tasks.

Furthermore, the leader makes sure that followers understand the strategy as well as the goals set. Leadership involves guidance, assistance, and a certain degree of supervision. The leader helps the followers to effectively reach their goals. At that, followers have a significant degree of autonomy, which positively affects their motivation. Another element of leadership is the inspirational force of the leader. Followers should be inspired to follow the leader and work hard when achieving organizational goals.

Importantly, change is another integral part of leadership. Thus, the leader communicates the need for change and encourages followers to accept it. Of course, the leader also guides employees when implementing the change.

The development of culture is one more component that also has a significant impact on the outcomes of the change. The leader should make sure that the change as well as the strategy developed is consistent with the organizational culture. Moreover, the leader should make sure that employees share the values of the organization.

Finally, social links within groups can be regarded as an essential component of leadership. Thus, the leader has to be able to create close and effective social ties within the group of his/her followers. This will ensure the effectiveness of employees’ collaboration and communication with each other. If the group a single vision on the process of achievement of goals, this group will be efficient.

In conclusion, it is possible to add that effective leadership results in the achievement of goals set, efficient operation of the group, and group members’ ability to adjust to the changing environment. Of course, the contemporary business world is competitive and changeable. Therefore, the leader has to foresee any meaningful changes in the environment and adjust the strategy if necessary. If all the components of leadership are in place, the followers will be able to adjust to the new environment and continue working on reaching the aims.

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