Human Development and Learning

Educational and family environments play a vital role in the process of developing skill in a child’s life. Personal skills and personal capabilities are essential for the structured development of a child to do his duties and responsibilities. Skills and personal capabilities make a person/child to face complex duties and social responsibilities. Analyzing various skills one can find that the skill of self management, teamwork and creativity are more important than other personal capabilities. Self management helps a child to develop positive personal reactions to responsibilities and challenges in work fields and life. Self management skills mainly involve the managing of time and its adoption in various contexts. It promotes the background skills such as time management, monitoring ability, self awareness and flexibility. Self management directs the children to go forward through the positive ways and it curtails the negative dimensions Team work and cooperation is essential for a workplace. In an effective classroom requires teamwork and cooperation. Here a child can share his ideas with others and improve the skill of problem solving. Teamwork promotes the skill, of leadership Creativity p-provides positive development for a child to satisfy his needs and responsibilities. Team work is helpful to involve with other members of our environment that shares each ones intellectual skill. Imagination and creativity help a person to improve both his personal and professional life.

Family is the primary institution in a child’s development process. Family environment contributes positive help to develop the personal skills or capabilities. Absence of discussion or effective interaction between the members of the family constitutes numerous problems to child’s behavior and it affects child’s personal capabilities. Lack of mutual affection and co-operation between family members provide the feelings of insecurity and frustration to the mind if a child. Father and mother are the primary teachers of a child. Family problems and divorce are various factors which inhibit child’s development. Erikson’s psychological stage theory mentioned the idea of ego development which means a conscious sense. In his essay Kendra Van Wagner remarks; “According to Erikson, our ego identity is constantly changing due to new experience and information we acquire in our daily interactions with others. (Wagner, 2009, para.2). Effective interaction helps the child to develop the skill of self management and communication. Healthy family relations explore team work and cooperation between the family members. A healthy family environment provides positive lessons about future life. Problem solving is considered as the initial stage of developing self management. Another quality of family environment is that it can give positive support to a child’s both mental and physical growth. Effective parent child relation ships, shared family activities and positive parenting skills have great effects on child health and development. Shared family activities are one of the most important qualities of family environment that inhibit the development of personal capabilities such as self-management, teamwork and creativity. As a result of engaging small family activities a child can develop self management and improve the skill, of teamwork and creativity that will help his future life. Project works are essential features of a structured classroom and it can help both the teachers and students to develop the skill of self learning and problem solving.

Through a project work a child can communicate with other students and he has the chance to develop a socially acceptable behavior. The book named Promoting social and emotional learning: guidelines for educators By Maurice J. Elias gives helpful comments for a reader to understand the process of self management and personality development. The author notices that; “Increasingly, competence in recognizing and managing emotions and relationships is seen as a key ability for success in the work place and for the effective leadership.” (Elias, 1997, p.7).

All types of project works in class room environment require child’s maximum output of problem solving skill. Decision making ability is essential for a child to face future responsibilities in his personal and professional life. A child can develop the ability of rational thinking through engaging a project work.

Workings of social service organizations and other student welfare organizations is the second characteristics of a classroom environment which contribute development of personal skills like self –management, creativity and team work. Through the participation of these kinds of organizations a child will get number of opportunities to develop his communication skills. Duties and responsibilities are the foundations of leadership and self management. Group discussion is considered as one of the most significant quality of a classroom environment to develop child’s personal capabilities and skills. In a discussion classroom a child will have the opportunity to collect information from the other students of the classroom.

Scolding and negative motivation are often makes problems to the child’s development. These factors negatively affect the child and force him to loneliness. Scolding and negative motivation constitute poor academic quality and behavioral disabilities. Scolding deeply influences child’s inspiration and productive skills. Some time scolding lead children in malpractices, frustration and poor academic performances.

To conclude, personal capabilities are an essential factor in the process of personality development. Family environment and classroom play a vital role in the process of developing skills such as self –management, team working and creativity. These person al capabilities help a child to meet his duties and responsibilities in future.

Reference List

Elias, M J. (1997). Promoting social and emotional learning: Guidelines for educators. ASCD.

Wagner, K V. (2009). Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development: Psychosocial development in infancy and early childhood: What is psychosocial development?. Psychology. Web.

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