Feminism: Problems, Stages, Forms

In man’s history, society has been organized in a way that there were defined historical roles for both females and males. The roles were based on some uniqueness and capabilities that were perceived to bear some insight depending on the power. Power created the issue of the position and then taking the advanced form of complexing rather complicating it to result in the hierarchy of authority. these gave rise to a unique character to the form of culture that was a male-dominated society that would deprive the female counterparts the basic freedom in the environment in such important phenomena as political, social, and economic. in a narrow sense, a woman was viewed to the extent of only but sexual and reproductive. these deprived the sense of humanity and dignity and amounted to a lot of pressure after cumulative injustices in most races in the world. therefore these resulted in resistance from women who were advocating for equity. In this regard this dissertation will focus on the movements and evolution of this feminist ideology over human history.

Feminists are the theory of political commercial and social equality of sexes mainly female and male. But usually takes root and gets deeper to be more meaningful to mean the organization of events to further equality for women as opposed to men. In the new of feminist its viewed that feminist contends that creative mind is sexless and the concept of feminist is culturally determined because the concept is too broad to be harmed in by aspect of gender (Collins 2ooo pp. 477). This derives into the history of gender evolution from the year 1970 when some feminists emphasized the importance of incorporating the gender structure into the construction of feminism. The concept went through processes and come to be a movement of thought rather than the physical attributes of sexes. With time it took positive affirmations and female aesthetics arose and expressed a unique female consciousness and famine attributes in the traditional literature (Simiene 2006 pp. 67).

The main challenge to be overcome by the feminist was the view that women’s perception in society from their physical structure, sexual, contextuality, and in violating of patriarchal taboos by unveiling medusa was a great challenge to the phallic discourse.

Feminism went through various other stages with key contributions from the gynocriticism development into it in the concept of freedom structures relating to the daughter and mother in inscribing gender identity, rather than the struggle of Oedipus and lais in the event.

Then the contribution of post-structuralism took part in feminine subjectivity which was a major interruption of the patriarchal system(Collins 2ooo pp. 67). However, the modern and recent theory dimension is the most over-arching that considers gender both male and female in terms of social construction upon biological differences.

In this context, feminism explores the ideological inscriptions and the effects of the sex system including giving attention existence to give attention to the question of meaning to the existence of gender.

Feminism takes very many forms, as far as ideology is concerned. There is liberal feminism which asserts that equality of women and me can only be achieved through political and law reforms. In addition, liberal feminists hold to women’s ability to show and maintain equality only by being free at will to chose and perform actions (Walter 2005 pp. 43).

Therefore, they cling to the notion that changes can happen through liberty choices and without altering the societal structure. They are interested mostly in abortion issues, sexual harassment, education, and voting. Radical feminists discuss issues relating to society’s power structure which they assert exists and is dominated by men(Collins 2ooo pp. 321). An only can equality be attained by eradicating such a male-based power hierarchy that is responsible for female oppression and inequity.

The separatist feminist feel can only achieve meaningful achievement by separating men for advocacy of gender equality.

The social feminist who are struggling against social placement such as workplace, domestic placement of which women are oppressed by the patriarchal system that divides women based on a role which they play in the society (Butler 2005 pp. 423). We have anarchy feminism which takes an insight into anarchist belief.

Therefore, the fight and advocacy against oppression should be taken to the extend of class that results in the hierarchy.

The other form is poststructural feminists which assert that to be successful with the equality fight and struggle it should be noted that the social perception basing on the structural dimension in the issues of equality should be eradicated for better, therefore, the aspect of feminists in defining of the equality and gender disparities should be replaced with the ideology of gender rather than physical structures that a female or male posse (Simiene 2006 pp. 213). A more advanced approach to feminism is post-modernism which places upon the concept that feminine is constructed by language use. Such language differences are manifested in facets of identity through biological sex and socially constructed gender. Poststructuralism to feminists that female gender is debatable because the feminine is performative and has wide and broad subject coverage in dealing with the issue.

Regarding black feminism, it constitutes the body of well-constructed knowledge which is specially created by the black American woman was meant to address the issues of discrimination against black women in the US (Beauvoir 1989 pp.432). it was not just a mere struggle aimed at alleviating the women to the equal rights of right with men but it also concerned the commitment to eradicate dominance in the western culture characterized by a male holding the authority and power in their dimensions of the society and also make the American government to be organized to focus on the development and economic expansion. the concept of black feminism has two components which it addresses to stage-manage the direction of objectivity (Butler 2005 pp. 83). these include a focus on the control of the negative image of the color-based bias and secondly reinforcement to achieve the objectives which was the definition of oneself that can help establish a clear understanding of the distinction between roles and oppression in the society.

However the traditional feminism refers to the agitating of the equality in the gender struggle with the historical insight and orientation characterized by non-movement without definite goals and strategies. feminism however have has developed and transformed through the encounters in the resistant struggle and therefore it lacked a view of enlightenment rationalism to women (Walter 2005 pp. 143). it focuses more on the search for freedom for women and struggles for the power and authority cake from men with no other cause greater than that. therefore black and traditional feminism tried to establish a clear line of distinction in the sense that traditional feminism precludes gender roles as historical and contingent thus can be used to give an illustration for the status quo in the gender differences (Simiene 2006 pp. 167).

Black feminism was considered the logical political movement with the objectivity of combating the events of the manifold and oppressed women encounter in the society.

These can be achieved through the use of well-planned actives that aims at seeing the right to freedom and equality. In rights were reproductive, abortion, childcare, rape and battery, lesbianism women anti-racist. Black feminism was structured and started as a movement but the guiding factor was the traditional feminism insight that was historically built. In the essence in the use of Foucauldian methodology offers feminism important tools for justification, power relation, and collective politics asset of political tools. In the event of comparing traditional and black feminism, if the analytical aspect to gender which is more divergent which aims to create alternative histories for sexuality and opportunity for resistance. Through encouragement, of creativity and use of a variety of methods of action agitating for equality if should take center stage in the political arrangement of the key steps in developing agendas and programs which should be well The black feminism main focus is to develop theory, a theory which fully addressed the interconnection between gender, race, and hierarchy of classes with the life of black women in the society with a view of eliminating the elements of sexist, races and class discrimination (Butler 2005 pp. 123). This was because of disregard of humanity and equality of black females by some of the male chauvinists who were black said there will be no equality between the gender divide and a black woman belonged to their men only. Therefore it was necessary to first fight from the anchor of men than towards comprehensive ideas. In this regard evaluated, scrutinized, defined, and well reasoned (Butler 2005 pp. 312). Thus feminism should be the world view of idealism and not pragmatic in focus.

In summary, the distinction drawn from black feminism and traditional feminism is small in terms of divergent yet significant. Black feminism is seen as specifying the issues of gender disparities that have been existing. the concept however doesn’t differ much just by the nature of specifications in that its originality and scope. Black feminism tries to focus on the forces that bring about inequality. and emphasizes that such factors as class, gender, and race go hand in hand and once on is neglected causes the discrimination, especially the racial factor. while traditional feminism is the general view of feminism through the history of man’s culture, which was undefined in its approaches in terms of objectivity details.


Collins Patricia, Black feminism thought;New York, routledge. 2000.

Simien Evelyn, Black feminist voice in politics; Delhi, SUNY press. 2006.

Butler Judith, Gender trouble; New York, routledge. 2005.

Walter Margret, Feminism; London, oxford press. 2005.

Beauvior Simione, the second sex; New York, vintage books. 1989.

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