Psychological Theories of Individual Personality

According to Nardi and Berens (p. 1), personality concerns represent the most important aspects of an individual’s psychological life. Additionally, Personality (p. 3) defines personality as the process inside a person that develops the person’s sets of characteristics of behaviour, thoughts and feelings. The study of personality is important since...

Stress Management, Signs, Types, and Causes

Introduction Stress comes from unknown sources and occurs naturally to many people. Stress has also been identified as a surviving universal element, in the sense that species that don’t adapt well to stress don’t live through generations, and those that do, survive and evolve into the plant and animal kingdoms...

Operant Conditioning Theory and Reinforcement

Introduction In our daily lives, we do a lot of actions that we sometimes do not realize having done them. Most important the reasons behind doing the actions are uncertain. Positive and negative reinforcements dictate our action together with our coherent thoughts in many occasions. Operant Condition Theory is an...

Classical Conditioning Situation

Classical conditioning is an automatic way of learning where a stimulus acquires the capability to evoke a response that was formally evoked by another stimulus. It was among the first studies to be carried out by Ivan Pavlov within the behavior system. During this learning, it was noticed that one...

Team Building Issues Analysis

Introduction There is a clear cur difference between a group and a team. The two terms are often implied to mean the same although they are quite distinct from each other. Whereas a group refers to a pool of individuals who join hands to perform a particular task, a team...

Plato’s Phaedo “Arguments on the Immortality of the Soul”

In the argument: the opposites from the opposites, Plato’s Phaedo’s arguments on the immortality of the soul are dependent on his beliefs on the form revealing that life and death are opposite. The second argument of Phaedo (opposites from opposites) states that things that have contrary traits were once in...

Erik Erikson’s Theory of Personality

Erikson’s theory is best known for his belief that all personality develops through a series of eight stages. These stages recast Freud’s psychosexual stages in a way that lessens the importance of biological factors and highlights the social determinants of personality (such as parental behaviors). Erikson’s stages cover the entire...

Cognitive Psychology Focusing on Learning

Introduction Cognitive psychology is largely based on the analogy between the transformation of information into the computer device and the implementation of cognitive processes in humans. Main body Thus, cognitive psychology examines how people receive information about the world, as this information is provided by a human, as it is...

Burrhus Frederic Skinner: Theories and Models

Introduction Born in the small town of Susquehanna Pennsylvania, Burrhus Frederic Skinner became one of most renowned American psychologists of the twentieth century and his first book titled “The behavior of organisms (1938), proved to be a path breaking treatise on behaviorism (Fuller, 1995). During the next five decades, Skinner’s...

Punishment: Long Term Effects on Children

One of the parental controls that parents place on their children to gain obedience is the punishment. There are different forms of punishment that parents may apply and one of these punishments is the physical punishment that most parents use because it gains obedience immediately. It has been noted that...

The Development of Cognitive Psychology as a Discipline

Introduction Cognitive psychology is considered to be a science investigating all types of internal mental processes connected with memory, language and problem solution. This branch is one of the most recent additions to psychological sphere which started its development in previous century. The field of cognitive science is filled with...

Psychological Testing Analysis

Abstract In my paper I am going to analyze the article – Are workplace tests worth taking? The article basically shows how the technicalities of workplace tests actually prove them to be futile unless they are used in the correct manner which, in most cases, they are not. Introduction The...

Articles on Organizational Psychology in the Company

«Workplace psychologists help firms develop ways to improve behavior» The article chosen for summarizing is titled ‘Workplace psychologists help firms develop ways to improve behavior’, and is authored by Susan Kreimer. It focuses on the activities of a workplace psychologist named Joel Philo, who is balancing between his career in...

Philosophy of Perception and Its Main Theories

Introduction The philosophy of perception is mainly dependent on the world’s internal and external mental processes which are directed towards the perceiver. Empirical concepts are the concepts related to the external perception which are actually more inclined towards senses probably representing the whole world around us, instantly with in the...

Socrates’ Criticism of Democracy and Views on Life

According to the prominent philosopher Socrates, people are not to take into account the opinion of the majority in the personal life conducting; the action of the many is considered to be the result of the chance and the greatest evil could become the effect of the majority’s activities. In...

Immanuel Kant’s Categorical Imperative and Its Evolutions

Many philosopher scientists worked in Germany in the second half of the 18-th century: Kant, Hegel, Shelling, Feierbach. Despite all the differences, their doctrines are much connected by continuity bonds: after Kant, each philosopher of this school of thought relied on his predecessor’s ideas and derived inspiration from his heritage...

God and Evil: Philosophical and Logical Aspects

The problem of God and evil in the philosophical and logical dimensions prop up against the facts concerned with contemporary world and disasters which happen in it and God, as a protector from such negative factors. The statements which are imposed in premises characterize the wholeness of the problem with...

Boghossian Claims About Facts

Paul Boghossian is a professor at the University of New York and is credited for his numerous works in philosophy. Most of his work disapproves of epistemic relativism and social constructivism. With this insight he wrote a book titled, Fear of Knowledge in which he criticizes in details the theories...

The Concept of Suffering

The origin of human suffering is surrounded by mythical tales, but its reality is as a fact as the rising of the sun. Creationists propose that following Adam’s fall into the temptations of the serpent, the first parents and their offspring were condemned to a life of hardship, struggle and...

Plato’s Theory of Forms

It is in human nature to question everything unknown and if the answer is not evident, it simply inspires burning interest in the soul of a human being. Ancient Greece was the land that gave birth to insuperable minds that tried to get at the secrets of existence and lived...

Ideas of Liberty and Self-Realization

The relations between human beings within the society have always been characterized by the considerable complexity and presence of various regulations and laws, moral and ethical norms, legal codes, and philosophical views concerning proper and improper conduct, human rights, and liberties. The epoch of the Enlightenment is rightfully considered to...

Marx’s Philosophy and Sociological Views

Introduction Karl Marx is one of the most renowned economist, philosopher, and a revolutionist of the 19nth century. His works and ideas are now referred to as Marxism. Karl Marx worked hand in hand with Friedrich Hegel in ensuring that the humanitarian concept put forth by Feuerbach is practiced. To...

“The Morality and Rationality of Suicide” by Richard Brandt

Richard Brandt dedicated his work “The Morality and Rationality of Suicide” to the analysis of suicide concept on the basis of its morality and blameworthy; the author presented the philosophical perception of the concept analyzing its meaning and moral obligation. It is necessary to underline the fact that Brandt presented...

David Hume’s Arguments Regarding Suicide

The topic of suicide has received attention from several scholars and thinkers. While some felt that suicide is a criminal act and a great violation not only to God but also to oneself and the people around, others felt that suicide is not a criminal act. Established on this hypothesis,...

Hobbes` State of Nature: Analysis of His Work

Thomas Hobbes is believed to be one of the most famous English philosophers; he is most renowned for such book as Leviathan, in which he attempted to explore the structure and origins of civil society. In the passage under consideration, the author argues that human beings are in constant state...

“Nothing Matters” Concept Interpretation

It is not always that the words mean what they are believed to mean. Sometimes words have hidden sense discovering which requires thorough analysis and interpretation of the word from different perspectives. This is especially true about the words and phrases that have generalized meaning. One of such phrases is...

Ancient and Modern Philosophers on Law

Hobbes the Modern Philosopher Thomas Hobbes has written a book ‘Leviathan” in which he has expressed philosophies on most topics under the sun in the period of the English Civil War. He is remembered as a political philosopher. The foundation for Western philosophy with the social contract theory has been...

Who’s Who of Sociology

To begin with, let us mention that Karl Marx’s never used the term “sociology”; he wanted to create a synthetic science about society, which corresponded to the main features of sociology as a science. Close interconnection of scientific and practical political aspects is typical of Marx’s works. Worsley (2001) said...

Concept of Ideal Things Represented by Weber and Durkheim

The concept of the ideal world, ideal type, and other ideal things is the sphere of philosophical thinking. As a result, the ideas precondition the understanding of the world and its concepts in an ideal way. Ideal means consisting of ideas, instead of consisting of material things and concepts, as...

Enlightenment According to Kant

The central point covered by the reading is the Kantian thought regarding the enlightenment. Kant explains that the enlightenment is the way to make people mature. According to him the immaturity is caused by two main reasons which are laziness and cowardice. To achieve the enlightenment people should destroy all...

Liberty and Opportunity: J. S. Mill & J. J. Rousseau

Liberty is the essence of democratic existence whereas opportunity in its true existence is the essence of well-being under a civilized government formation. These two aspects are the fundamentals of modern existence and opportunity without liberty has no moral and realistic value and liberty without opportunity is bondage in civil...

Plato’s Symposium: the Issue of Love

The issue of Love has been perplexing human minds for centuries onward. The complexity of the origins, the nature and the essence of Love constitute an eternal mystery, the cognition of which was endeavored already by philosophers of the ancient world. Plato in his dialogue Symposium undertakes an attempt to...

Personality Development and Life Theory Interview

Introduction Neurologists consider the brain to be a fascinating organ. They marvel at its complexity and revel at its capabilities. The brain from a physiological perspective controls the entire function of the human body. From locomotion to respiration, from speech to hearing and sight, all the actions and inactions that...

Child Abuse and Its Implications

Introduction ‘Child neglect’ or ‘child abuse’ is an ambiguous and all-encompassing term used to describe actions perpetrated by parents on children which are universally deemed harmful by society and as defined by law. Historically speaking, child neglect is a relatively new concept and its meaning is in a constant state...

Human Growth. Dyslexia as a Learning Disability

Introduction There is ample evidence that a child with dyslexia does indeed have barriers to reading, but these difficulties can be overcome with patience and time so as to ensure that this condition does not remain a obstacle to the child’s success in school. It is recognized that dyslexia in...

Family Therapy vs. Family Social Work

Introduction Social work is a professional field aimed at assisting people and groups in overcoming personal and social difficulties through support, protection, and rehabilitation. The task of specialists in the area is to mitigate social contradictions and improve mutual understanding between people. Such activity has a positive impact on society,...

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Parents: Impact and Rehabilitation

Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a serious mental health problem that is usually experienced after a certain traumatic event. It is usually characterized by the feeling of panic or fear, unstable behavioral changes, and the inability to control emotions. When a person has to maintain a particular social role like...

Personality Development from Theoretical Perspective

Introduction Theories of personality development enable one to understand and explain the behavioral patterns of individuals. Psychology is a science that focuses on the study of the mind, especially on issues of perception, behavior, emotion, and cognition. According to Vega-Gea, Ortega-Ruiz, and Sánchez (2016), psychology is one of the fields...

Human Aggression and Its Prerequisites

The theme of human aggression and its prerequisites is touched upon in many academic works of a psychological profile. Based on the basic information about the problem, social psychology is engaged in its study since the formation of character traits is formed in groups in which a person spends much...

Adolescence: Lifespan Development and Personality

Introduction Adolescence is a period in the human lifespan between 12 and 18 years that is a transition between childhood and adulthood. During this stage individual experiences many crucial changes in physical, cognitive, social, moral, and personality dimensions. Within these several years, the body and the mind of a teenager...

Child Abuse: a Contemporary Issue

Introduction The problem of child abuse gains more and more recognition nowadays because of the terrible crimes, neglect, and assaults that happen to abused children. Abused children are at risk of developing mental problems and trust issues. I chose this topic because I think this theme is still not addressed...

Humanistic and Existential Personality Theories

According to Maslow, what are the characteristics of self-actualizing people? Why are these characteristics important? People who look for self-actualization tend to embrace such values as justice, truth, simplicity, goodness, and oneness. Besides, self-actualizing people do not have any psychopathologies, efficient view on reality, need for autonomy and privacy (alone...