Effective Human Resource Manager: Profession Map

CIPD Profession Map

As a Human Resource Manager, one has to have a clear path for professional development laid in front of them. An overview of the essential stages in professional evolution allows one to ensure a profound and clear understanding of an HR expert’s evolving role in the context of a specific company and the global business, in general. The application of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) Professional Map to the analysis of changes in one’s HR competencies and professionalism will allow gaining a full view of one’s strengths and weaknesses as an HR. Simultaneously, the path for professional development will be outlined. Due to the recent emphasis on the gravity of employee engagement as the cornerstone of successful organization performance and meeting key production goals, the focus on employee engagement and employee relations should be deemed as the number one priority for an HR manager.

Knowledge, Activities, and Behaviours

Band 1: Employee engagement

The phenomenon of employee engagement is a very intricate and complex subject that demands the close attention of an HR expert. The identified area can be defined as the phenomenon indicating the extent of employee investment in the organizational tasks and their role in a company (Conway, Fu, Monks, Alfes, & Bailey, 2016). Employee engagement implies paying closer attention to the needs of diverse staff members, as well as the requests of employees, in general (Conway et al., 2016). The knowledge of tools that allow locating and meeting staff members’ needs is a critical skill that an HR manager has to possess to maintain employee engagement rates at the highest level possible. Due to the vast impact, that employee engagement has on the processes associated with production and especially quality management, the selection of appropriate tools for sustaining employee engagement is completely indispensable in the organizational environment of contemporary businesses. Specifically, as an HR manager, one has to be capable of developing an effective reward management system is critical knowledge for building the engagement levels among staff members and cementing their sense of loyalty toward the organization.

The understanding of the importance of a communication system that will allow for transferring crucial feedback from staff members to an HR manager and back should also be regarded as essential knowledge. The approaches based on the “tell and sell,” “tell and listen and “problem-solving” methods of managing communication concerns should be deemed as basic knowledge. In turn, the activities that an HR manager has to undertake to boost employee engagement in the organizational setting will require the enhancement of diversity and the introduction of tasks based on reciprocal employee-manager communication. By integrating the notion of interdisciplinary collaboration into the process, an HR manager will create the premises for active communication and cooperation, reducing the threat of conflicts disrupting the project management process.

Band 2: Employee relations

To improve employee relations in the organizational environment, an HR manager needs to build a rapport between a manager and staff members based on the integrative approach. Specifically, focusing on different areas that affect the general levels of performance engagement in staff members is a crucial task for an HR manager. For this reason, the profound knowledge of the High-Performance Work (HPW) principle and the ideas based on which an HPW organization (HPWO) can be built are essential. The foundational principles of building the required corporate culture are rooted in the comprehensive model that allows taking account of external and internal influences causing rises and falls in the engagement of staff members. For example, the Ability-Motivation-Opportunity (AMO) conceptual model is an important addition to the range of tools that an HR manager can utilize when evaluating the needs of staff members and the extent to which the set organizational values and standards allow meeting them (Delery & Roumpi, 2017). The need for professional development and acquisition of new competencies and skills should become the focus of particularly close attention due to the vast impact that career opportunities produce on employee engagement rates (Conway et al., 2016). Thus, an HR manager has to focus on the identified aspects of managing human resources.

The use of performance development strategies is another important action that an HR manager has to undertake to improve employee relations and create an atmosphere of reciprocity and support in the company’s setting. At this point, the knowledge of talent management as the cornerstone concept in promoting trust-based relationships with staff members needs to be addressed. When showing concern and respect for the professional growth of its staff, a company cements its image of a trustworthy support system in the eyes of its employees (Shen & Benson, 2016). Therefore, to encourage the positive development of employee relations, an HR manager has to build a knowledge base of the talent management theory and the associated techniques. In this regard, the actions aimed at assisting the target demographic with exploring and expanding their professional potential have to be taken to build positive employee relations.

Using Elements of the CIPD Profession Map to Demonstrate What It Means to Be an HR Professional

The HR function has been altered significantly over the past decade due to the emerging necessity to integrate organizational processes in an analysis of the internal and external factors affecting the performance of staff members. The CIPD projection map, in turn, provides an overview of the critical capabilities of an HR manager that allow locating the said factors, enhance the impact of the positive ones, and minimize the influence of the negative ones. Thus, the creation of a comfortable setting for employees is facilitated. Overviewing the basic constituents of the CIPD map, one will concede that being an HR manager implies being able to build a cross-cultural and cross-disciplinary dialogue with team members to understand their needs and create the setting in which employee engagement will rise.


Conway, E., Fu, N., Monks, K., Alfes, K., & Bailey, C. (2016). Demands or resources? The relationship between HR practices, employee engagement, and emotional exhaustion within a hybrid model of employment relations. Human Resource Management, 55(5), 901-917. doi:10.1002/hrm.21691

Delery, J. E., & Roumpi, D. (2017). Strategic human resource management, human capital and competitive advantage: Is the field going in circles? Human Resource Management Journal, 27(1), 1-21. doi:10.1111/1748-8583.12137

Shen, J., & Benson, J. (2016). When CSR is a social norm: How socially responsible human resource management affects employee work behavior. Journal of Management, 42(6), 1723-1746. doi:10.1177/0149206314522300

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