Computer Revolution, Its Causes and Effects

Table of Contents


The development of electronic microchips that can be programmed has completely changed the world. Although the electronic computer was developed just a few decades ago, we cannot imagine life without it. A computer can perform tasks very fast and accurately. This development has enabled man to perform tasks and processes that would otherwise have been impossible to perform without the aid of a computer system. Man has therefore become more of calculating than a thinking being. If we project into the future, we can only conclude that this device will play even greater roles in human life. (Aaron & Andries 159)

Main Body

Let us imagine communication today as we know it. Many of us communicate with friends, relatives, organizations and others through electronic mails in the internet protocol. We can easily access information online by accessing various websites. The available information that one can access through this platform is infinite. (Hiroshi & John 2) There has never been such an easy, reliable, accurate and faster way of communicating with others before than it is today. What about that mobile device that almost everyone owns? The mobile phone itself is a type of a simple computer that relies on a network of computer systems to transfer conversations. The mobile phone has made the dream of making the world a global village to become a reality.

The business sector has also greatly benefited from the computer revolution. Automated computer systems enable people to purchase goods, pay bills, withdraw and deposit money among other tasks. The fast and efficient communication system that has come about as a result of the computer device has brought about a new form of trading and business. (John 92) It is now possible to do online trading, liquid money is being replaced with electronic money and the stock market has brought new possibilities for companies to raise capital.

Great technological advancements in the military have resulted from the computer revolution. With the aid of computer software (a series of programs to perform certain tasks) very dangerous weapons and fighting systems have been developed. These include missiles, nuclear weapons among others. Satellite imaging can be used to monitor enemy activities, establish defensive mechanisms and launch attacks against the enemy. (Marshall 145)

What about our social life? People around the world are making new friends through online chatting. One can also easily follow events around the world through television, messaging or the internet. New forms of entertainment like computer games, movies and even music greatly rely on computers. We can now exchange culture, talk to others, share ideas, and generally interact with others easily irrespective of where they are. Crime rate has greatly gone down in some areas due to the use of computer surveillance, electronic personal details like DNA among other computer methods employed. (Jose & Benjamin 130)

Our health and medication systems and methods greatly rely on computer systems. The computer can help diagnose symptoms and conditions that would otherwise be elusive. Computer soft wares have helped in analysis and processing of research data at the highest scale ever, giving new insights. Many instruments that are used in hospitals are computerized. These computerized records are efficient and reliable (Art 119)


The computer revolution has not just affected our lives but it has completely changed it. New possibilities that were never imagined have been realized. My take is that our lives will continue to be altered by this new device. Maybe it is the way humans are adapting to the new environment that requires them to stay closer so that many minds armed with a formidable device (computer) can tackle the greatest challenges.

Works cited

Aaron, Marcus, & Andries, Dam. “User-Interface Developments for the Nineties”, IEEE Computer 1.3 (1991):154-168.Print.

Art, Kleiner. ‘’Tabs, Pads, and Bards-Xerox’s Ubiquitous Computing,’’ Popular Science 24.1(1992): 119-169.Print.

Hiroshi, Inose, & John R. Pierce, Information Technology and Civilization, New York: W. H. Freeman and Company 4.2 (1984): 1-3.Print.

Marshall, McLuhan. Understanding Media: the Extensions of Man, New York: Signet Books 2.1 (1964):144- 156.Print.

Jose, A.B.Fortes, & Benjamin, Wah.’’Systolic Arrays-From Concept to Implementation,’’ IEEE Computer 12.1 (1987):121-159.Print.

John, Scully. ‘’The Relationship between Business and Higher Education-A Perspective on the 21st century,’’ Communications of the ACM 1.1(1998): 89-102.Print.

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